Chapter Fifteen

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The day was same usual, Killing and Hobbies. Slenderman and Slenderwoman in the library. BEN and EJ playing videogames and some in the killing sprees.

As for Jeff and (Y/N), They decided to get to know each other more. They made their way to the garden.

"What's your past life?" Jeff laid at the dirt under a tree

"Just simple living, Always have problems and solution" You smiled.

"Yet you've killed a person" Jeff rolled his eyes, His arms beneath his head.

"Besides that" You replied.

The wind blew, It was a warm afternoon. Perfect for playing in the park and playground. It was actually nice in the shade.

"We're really getting to know each other, What's my chance?" Jeff picked flowers near him and gave it to you.

"A hundred? I don't know. You're actually a good companion" His reaction was priceless

"Really?" He jumped to you, Like a cat pouncing to a ball of yarn.

"Yes and no, Let's just wait for the right time" You laid on your back, Enjoying the clouds.

"A killer enjoying the joyous sky" He joked, Making you think of a comeback

"But I still have my sanity" You winked, Making him chuckle

"Not my fault, I'm crazy" He poked you with his dull knife.

"I like how you use that. Instead of a clean kill, You tend to torture them because it's a dull knife"

"You got a killer's mind" He rolled his eyes again, Blushing at the compliment you gave him.

You patted your lap, signing Jeff to lay his head on it. He laid there, enjoying your comfort. You two talked more about yourselves.

After a while, He said something that made something click.

"I like you so much, I don't want you to leave. Let's stay here" He looked at you, His eyes was full of love

"Of course, This is our home after all" You said sweetly, Playing with his hair.

"Stay with me?" You nodded at the question. You felt him become comfortable and relaxed

"Be my forever?" He held your hand, You smiled and giggled.

"I would love to"

"I love you" He said, kissing your fingers

"I'll love you too, Just be patient"

Jeff the Killer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now