Chapter Six

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Waking up the next day, You quickly took a bath and go down stairs. So excited because you're gonna be trained by Slender Man and Woman. You saw Slender Woman making waffles with nutella in it.

"Good Morning Darling, Excited for today?" She said

Nodding excitedly, As you set up for breakfast. The others arrived not so long later.

At the backyard you waited for Slender Man and Woman, You walked around at the garden. You saw black roses, Tulips, Carnation and many more.

"Do you like it?" You heard Slender Woman's voice

"It's beautiful" You turned around to her. You noticed a first aid kit on her hands.

"Is this training gonna be hard?" You asked

"Its just a precaution, Darling" 

You saw Slender Man and the others walked in to the backyard, But Jeff is nowhere to be seen. 

"(Y/N)! Time to start training" BEN shouted

Walking to them, Slender Woman sat with the others. While Slender Man is summoned a decoy ,with a target at the head and the chest, 4 feet away from you.

"Okay, Let's start. Since you can control your tentacle very well. Try hitting the target" He explained

Breathing calmly, You gave your orders. You stroke your tentacles to the decoy. Hitting directly at the middle of the target .

"Bullseye!" Yelled by BEN

You heard them clapped.

"Very impressive for a Beginner" Slender Man said, Summoning more decoys at different ranges.

You did the same thing but even faster and powerful. You hit it all at the same time. You heard their gasps and saw their wide eyes. You realize that there is another tentacle at your back.

Slender Man got serious and summon enemies with weapons. "Attack"

With one word, You started. You penetrated their bodies, cutting their bodies limb by limb. It was a blood bath. After finishing you heard them clapping in amusement.

"You're awesome!" 

"Good Job!"

"You're great"

You walked to them, Giving a thumbs up. You were soaked in blood.

"(Y/N), You're gonna be a great killer. Even Slender Man is impressed" BEN whispered the last part.

"Your first training will be your last, If you beat me" Slender Man spoke

"I'm gonna kill you?" You asked nervously

"No, Just give me a wound" He got ready 


You attacked him but He teleported. He attacked you from behind, but you blocked the attacked. You were so fast, But Slender Man always teleport. Closing your eyes, You were finding him. You felt his arrival two feet away from you. You exhaled, Attacked him once. You ran pass through him. Everyone gasped as they saw blood flowing to Slender Man's long arm. You fell down at the grass, Breathing hardly.

You saw Slender Man walked up to you

"I believe that you are tired"

Standing up, You look at the tall man. "Am I a killer now?"

"Yes, You're a killer now" He patted your headed

Walking to the others, Who had a wide eyes. Slender Woman gave you water, and proceed to apply bandages at Slender Man's arm,

"YOU'RE AWESOME" They shouted

"Thanks Guys, By the way where's Jeff?" You asked

"At his room still bummed out" EJ said

"I'm gonna talk to him later" You said

"Don't worry about him, He's such a drama king" sassy BEN said

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