Chapter Thirteen

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"What is this ability?" SlenderMan was pacing back and forth in the library. Heads was following his lead.

"Talking to the dead?" BEN said a theory

"But (Y/N) saw Jeff's past...How about you try it on me?" E.J. suggested

You tried to see but nothing actually happened.

"Maybe its just a one time thing?" You questioned

The problem was stressing SlenderMan out, SlenderWoman was just sighing and massaging his temples

"If something happens tell me" He only stated, Giving up.

Everybody headed their own ways, Killing and stuffs. SlenderMan and SlenderWoman stayed. You asked if you could watch T.V.

"Mom, Can I watch T.V.?" You looked up

"Yes darling, Just don't watch too close. It will hurt your eyes"

"Okay" You smiled and run to the living room.

You watched your favorite cartoon show. It was amusing, It felt like home. Jeff accompanied you an episode later.

"Thanks about Liu" He started off

"Your welcome...By the way, I think you should organize your knives in your room" You remembered the bloodied room

"You saw my room?!" Shocked and embarassed

"Yeah, We tuck you in last night. You fell asleep on SlenderMan's back" You grinned

"I-I'll try to put them by sharp...
later" A shy Jeff said.

You smiled at him. You continued watching the show. When it was finished, You decided to have a walk again.

"Do you want to go with me?"


"Just a walk" He nodded and stood up.

You walked around, Talked about different topics. You and Jeff ended up on the river again. You sat at the rocks near the water.

"How did you met SlenderMan?" You asked him

"He found me near here, Wet from the rain. They easily took me in" He stated

The environment was calming, The warm breeze and sound of the water streaming.

"Did a boy ever asked you out?" He blurted out

You stopped for a moment, Remembering the boys who tried but never succeeded

"No, They're all playboys. I never gave them a chance" He nodded and was put into deep thinking.

"That worst?" He asked again

"Yeah, If I was between picking them and you. I would definitely choose you" The statement made Jeff blush.

"Really? Would you give me a chance now?" He was hoping

You nodded, and smiled. He looked at you like you're the most beautiful gem there is. The two of kept talking and talking.

Your relationship with him was slowly moving to something else. You let him lay his head onto your lap. He was opening some feelings about the past.

"I never meant to kill them"

"It's okay, They're in a good place now" You played with his hair.

You made eye contact with him, He held your hand but he let go easily.

"I'm sorry for holding your hand like that...Let me court you first" He blushed

"Court me?"

"SlenderMan taught me that respect for womans are important and I'm still a gentleman, Don't listen to BEN's lies of me being a playboy" He rubbed his head.

You laughed at his explanation, You already gave him a chance so why not.

"If your going to give me chocolate, I prefer Mcdonald's instead"

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