Chapter Twelve

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"How are you not guilty of killing?" You asked

"It brings us joy" SlenderMan explained.

You all were on the way home, walking pass trees and rocks. SlenderMan trying to explain how their conscience stop working. Jeff was listening.

"What if you killed an old friend?" Your voice weak, You imagined the scenario. You thought that you'll haunted for life

"It depends...We'll feel a little bit guilty but it will pass very quickly"

"We went the wrong direction" Jeff saw the river. It was wide and rocks was spreaded there. SlenderMan carried you and Jeff, and crossed the river.

"Moving on is not about forgetting someone special. It's about trying to cope everything without that person or Adapting the daily days without him or her" SlenderMan said

You only nodded as a reply. Jeff was looking at you, Sadness was in his eyes. He must be guilty for your situation. You smiled for him, Atleast it lightened his night.

You asked many questions, That SlenderMan would answer.

"But why are you killing innocent people?"

"They became threats when they enter our territory, Sometimes it's their past time or just wanted to let out the madness" If SlenderMan has eyes, He would be eyeing on Jeff. He reminded you of your dad

You remembered what Zalgo said...

"Can I call you dad?" You asked like a kid who wants a lollipop

He was quiet, You don't know if he's surprise or not.

"It would be an honor" He simple said.

You arrived at home, SlenderMan carried Jeff to his room. He fell asleep halfway through. His room was dark and of course full of blood, Also we wouldn't forget the knives.

"He really needs a redecoration" You gave a comment, You saw SlenderMan lay Jeff into his bed.

"We already tried to convince him that topic, But He's comfortable this way" SlenderMan tucked him in. He saw a picture frame, He picked it up and looked at it.

It was Jeff's family...

"As I told you before...Moving on is just a new environment" He placed the picture frame at Jeff's desk.

"Come on dear, As I remembered you loved books. I want to show you the library of ours" He walked out of the room.

You kissed Jeff on the forehead before leaving and also placed the eyepatch on his eyes
"Good night"

The next morning, You were having the daily breakfast. E.J. was eating hearts, L.J. was eating candy and You were stuck on bacon and eggs, As usual.

Its was normal but when you looked at Jeff, Your vision became gray and you were in another place. You were in a house, You heard somebody.

'Look mommy, I'm so beautiful, It was Jeff

You witnessed him killing his own family. His brother...Liu spoke...

'Is he happy?' He looked at you, Blood was still on his clothes.

'Is Jeff happy? Does he still remember us?' He asked

"Yes...He's happy...He still loves you, He has a picture when you're complete before his insanity" You answered back, Smiling

You saw him smile

"Tell him to be safe, Okay?"

You woke up from the trance when SlenderMan's voice came.

"(Y/N)?" He called you

You looked at Jeff who is worried about you. You saw his past.

They looked at you with worry in their eyes.

"I saw your...past" You looked at Jeff

"I saw told me that they want you to be happy" You continued. You saw Jeff's sadness.

"He told me that they will always love you" With that sentence, He smiled

Jeff the Killer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now