Chapter Eight

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'He hates me' You thought as you walked down the stairs. You had a frown on your face.

"Is their something wrong Darling" Slender Woman said

"I'm just home sick, Can I go to the woods for a walk" You lied, Trying to smile

"Sure Darling, Just be back before 5:00"

Nodding, You quickly made your way to the front door.


Walking at the forest, Thr only thing that's on your mind is Jeff.

'Maybe I could buy him a knife? Or Make him a delicious sandwich. What are you thinking?! He hates you, Don't you get it.' You thought

'Why do I care about him?'

'Maybe you love him' A tiny voice said in your head.

"Maybe" You said, Staying to be positive.

You were heading back to the mansion, Until you bumped someone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to......" You looked at the person. He's just a human

"Hey Watch it! Freak!" He pushed you. You fell down.

You were angry because you already apologized, But that didn't mean he needs to push you for bumping him.

"Try being nice, It will not hurt you" You stood up

"What are you gonna do Bitch?"

You used your tentacle to choke him and took his heart out. You let his body fall.

"Why people like you exist?"


It's supper time, Again Jeff didn't join the others

"(Y/N), You already know about us. What about tell something about your past" BEN suggested.

Looking up to your plate

"There's nothing interesting about my life"
You smiled

They nodded, Thinking you had a simple and normal life.

"I-i got my first kill today"

You said with a small voice

BEN almost spit his drinks, While LJ drop his poisonous lollipop, And EJ almost choke on his freshly cooked heart

"Really?" Slender Man said, Just like a proud Dad

You nodded

"He's just a human, He was mean. He called me a freak, I taught him a lesson"

You smiled. The others laughed at the Human's mistake of threating a creepypasta

"He's an hard headed idiot" Sassy BEN striked again


Looking up at the ceiling, Jeff was thinking about (Y/N)

'Maybe I could invite her to a picnic, Then I confess my dying love for her. Meh, Its corny as shit'

'Maybe a simple walk at the woods, No too plain'

'Or have a killing spree together!............. It's a great option but I'll make it Plan B'

There's a knock at his door, Jeff thought that is (Y/N) again.

He opened the door and saw Slender Woman.

"Jeff, Is there a problem? You haven't join us in supper lately" She handed the tray with food to Jeff

"I-i.....Can we talk inside, I don't want anybody to hear this"

Slender Woman entered his room and Jeff closed the door.

"I think I l-love (Y/N)" Jeff blushed

"This is great, Jeff is a big boy now" She clapped, Making Jeff blush harder.

"I'll try to help your relationship with (Y/N) grow" She said cheerfully while leaving his room and left a Blushing Jeff

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