Chapter Three

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Walking down the forest with Slender Man, Curiosity ran through your brain.

"Hey, Are they gonna be nice to me?" You asked, While taking a bite of your sandwich.

"Depends on how you treat them (Y/N). If you're kind them, They will be kind to you too." He answered.

Finishing the sandwich, You asked again

"So, Are all the creepypastas are all together?"

"Well no, Some of them likes to travel and learn new ways of killing a person. The mansion is just like an orphanage, Its always open for a new member" He said while pointing at you.

"So, You're saying that all the creepypasta are orphans and you're their dad" You smiled

"If you put it that way. Yes" He said


Arriving at the Mansion made you nervous, because a bunch of killers lived together and you're the only one who's new here. Slender Man opened the door as you hid at his back.

"Hey, Where's (Y/N)?" You heard BEN's Voice

Then you heard other voices asking the same.

Peaking at the side of Slender Man, You saw the other creepypastas whose clothes are blood-stained. You felt chills ran down at your spine.

"(Y/N) don't be rude, Say hi to your new friends" Slender Man said

"H-hi" You stuttered

"She's so cute!" A female's voice

You turn around a saw a tall woman, same height with Slender Man. She wears a formal dress and she has no face.

"I'm Slender Woman" She introduced herself while pinching your cheeks

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)" You said

"Welcome to the family, Slender Man told me that you already met BEN. Let me introduce you to the others" She offered

You met Laughing Jack who's addicted to candy, Eyeless Jack who love eating body parts, Hoody and Masky. Just like Slender Man said the other creepypastas were at other places. Its midnight, You were getting a little bit tired, So Slender Woman escorted you to your room

"This is your room next to Jeff's" Slender Woman said

"You mean Jeff the Killer, right?" You asked

"Yes Darling, He's that bad boy in this house. So don't mess with him." She advised

"Okay, Good Night" You yawned

"Good Night Darling"


Waking up at the smell of bacon and..................... pancakes. Running down the stairs to the dining room. You saw Slender Woman setting up for breakfast.

"Can I help?" You asked

Surprised by your gesture "Of course Darling" She said with a tune of happiness

"How's your first night?"

"It's alright" You smiled

After a while the others, joined at the table. While eating, a loud thud was heard


"EJ, BEN can you help Jeff?" Slender Man face-palmed

EJ and BEN quickly ran to Jeff's room

"Is this normal?" You asked

"Don't worry Darling you'll get use to his language" Slender Woman said

You continue to eat your breakfast.


'Fucking police, Those bullets are fucking painful' Jeff thought

Climbing up to his room, With a really blood-stained hoody. He opened the window and entered the messy room that he own. After he entered, he slipped.


After a minute, he heard footsteps. He saw EJ and BEN enter his room.

"Geez, Police again?" EJ asked

"Yeah, Fuck those assholes" Jeff replied

"This is your third time getting shot, You know that right?" BEN used his FYI voice

Helping Jeff, BEN and EJ carried him. They went to the dining room.

"Jeff, If you continue getting caught by the Police, I will not hesitate to take your knife" Slender Man said

"What the fuck, Its just a gunshot. They will never catch me" Jeff defensively said

"You should be careful though" an unfamiliar voice entered Jeff's head

Jeff looked to where the voice came from.

"I'm just saying...." (Y/N) said, looking down to her food. Slightly embarrassed

After that awkward moment

"Jeff, Let me see those gunshots" Slender Woman said motherly

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