Chapter Five

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"What happened!"

Slender Man and Woman shouted, They ran to (Y/N). The others took care of Jeff. The tentacle was still there, It came from her back.

"Bro, What the fuck happened?" BEN asked

"I was just joking, Until..... I don't fucking know." Jeff answered

Carrying (Y/N) to the living room, They started to talk about what happened.

"Jeff, Start explaining" Slender Man said

"I was just fucking joking about what happened to her parents" Jeff said

"You shouldn't joke about things like that" EJ said

Slender Woman took a look of (Y/N), Observing (Y/N)'s tentacle.

"Is it possible that this is her powers?" Slender Woman nervously asked

"Yes" Slender Man answered calmly

"So, That means that (Y/N) is already a creepypasta?" BEN asked

"Of course, She already had her powers Idiot" LJ said with a little bit of sarcasm


Waking up with a dizzy head, Trying to remember what happened. Standing up wasn't a great idea. You quickly fell on the ground.

"Darling! Are you okay?" You saw Slender Woman ran to you.

"Sort of, What happened?" You sat at the sofa

" You received your powers Darling, Can't you remember?" She said making you curious

Hearing those word made you excited

"Really?" You said with a joyous voice

"What is it?" You continue with a smile

She pointed something on your back, You saw a long black tentacle which consist red strips. Its like blood flowing through the tentacle. You gasped. Slender Woman gave you a mirror, Your (eye color) eyes became red. You also notice fangs on your teeth. You tried to control your tentacles, It followed your orders.

"Try to make your tentacle to hold the mirror" Slender Woman suggested.

You nodded, You gave the mirror to your tentacle

"You're a natural, Let me call Slender Man" Slender Woman clapped.

Amazed by your new power, You tried tricks. At first you tried holding things, You tried to hold BEN's PSP. Holding it for 5 minutes, Until...

"(Y/N) You're awake, Dinner's ready" Slender Man surprised you

You almost dropped the PSP after saying okay.

"You better put that back, BEN has a annoying temper about his games" He said, Going to the dining room

Putting down the PSP, And headed down to the dinning room also.


"(Y/N)! You're awake" The boys said surprised, But one is missing. Jeff

"Everyone sit down" Slender Man said putting the plates at the table.

Everyone started eating, Slender Man spoke

"So (Y/N), How's your power?"

"Its great I guess" You smiled

"Since we have the same powers Me and Slender Woman will train you" He said while eating a human heart.

You nodded "Where's Jeff?"

"He's in his room, He felt guilty after what happened. You should talk to him" LJ said

"What happened?" You asked

"You don't remember? He's the reason why you had your powers and also the reason why you black out" EJ said

"What did he do?"

"Jeff is a jerk and he joked about your parents" BEN answered

After cleaning up, You carried a plate of chicken and salad and made your way to Jeff's room. You were now at the front of his door.

'Should I talk to him right now?'

Taking risk, You knocked his door.

"Hey Jeff, I brought you dinner" You said with a soft voice

You saw the door being slightly opened. You saw Jeff looking down

"I'm not hungry, But thanks" He said in a low voice

"No, You're not. Slender Woman told me that you're the hungry one on this mansion" You smiled

"And besides, We need to talked about what happened a while ago" You continued

Sighed in defeat, Jeff let you in.

"Ok, Since I don't remember anything what happened a while ago. How about you start" You gave him the plate and utensils

He stared at the food before saying anything.

"I..... I was joking about your parents, I told you what they said before they die. Y-you were crying that time. You snapped, You shoved me at the wall. Until you fainted." You heard his voice filled with guilt

"I'm sorry"

"It's okay, Jeff. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have my powers" You said staying to be positive.

"Go enjoy your dinner" You stood up and walked out of his room.

Jeff the Killer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now