Chapter Eleven

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After that random moment, You decided to get ready for your so called "date". Taking a nice shower and wore nice but dark clothes. You went to the Kitchen, where Slender Woman was cooking tonight's dinner.

"Hey (Y/N), I heard you'll have your first killing spree" She caressed your head, While chopping the meat with her tentacles

"I asked Jeff to come with me" You said with a smile

"Oh really, I suppose Jeff will be very happy later" She assumed

After that small talk, You helped her by setting up the table and the assembling the meals.

They finished dinner with good conversations and a good thanks to the delicious meal. They went to their own schedules, own killing sprees and such.

You were outside of the Mansion, waiting the clock to go midnight, waiting for the 'bad boy' Jeff.

It was around 11, When you decided to take a walk around and explore some things. You passed by trees and huge rocks.

"Boo!" Jeff shouted and scared you...Well actually not, You just flinched. Apparently, He was hanging on a tree. Also, He was upside down

"Hey Jeff" You smiled at him, Poked his nose.

"Lets go?" He was now flatly on his on the ground

You nodded, This wouldn't happen if it weren't for Zalgo. You questioned yourself, If you didn't ask Jeff a while, What will you do at this moment.

Jeff noticed that you were quiet and full of thoughts, He decided to tap your shoulder.

"What?" You made it out of your trance and snapped back to reality.

"Just got w-worried thats all" He blushed, Scratching the back of his head. Looking away.

You laughed and pinched his cheeks

You and Jeff walked to the dark alleys where drug users and criminal was. Jeff decided to go first and show how it works.

You saw him stab a man, blood was staining Jeff's white hoodie. He had this maniac laughter. You flinched, Remembering the man you killed.

"Your turn" He exhaled, He still drunk of the  pleasure of killing a human being.

You let your tentacle out, You became nervous. You sneaked up on another man, You tapped his shoulder. As he turned around you, Quickly stabbed him.

You were in shock, You repeatedly think that he's a criminal that deserves to die. You had it like a mantra.

"You okay?" You felt Jeff's touch and worry.

"Yeah, I'm...I'm just getting used to it" You looked at your bloodied hands.

"Do you want to go home?...I'll give you a piggy backride, If you want" He tried to cheer you up, Apparently he did.

"Yeah, I would like that" You turned to him and smiled

Back at the forest, Jeff is walking with you on his back. Your conversation with was pretty normal. You and Jeff were both happy. Laughter was filled around you, It stopped when...

"(Y/N), How's your killing spree?" SlenderMan's voice popped out of nowhere

"It's alright, I'm still adjusting" You got down on your feet

Even though Slender Man has no face, You can still see the expression of worry.

"My conscience is still..." You tried to explain

"Very well, Lets go home" He said and led the way.

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