Chapter Fourteen

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You two were headed back to the mansion. Jeff had lots of stories, Like him letting BEN drown in the river a couples of times, Making E.J. and L.J. fight and He even took Ticci Toby's waffle.

"Why would you do that?" You asked

"Drowning, Lies or the waffles?"

"The waffles, Of course. Toby didn't do anything bad to you. Just let him enjoy his waffles" You said. Kicking a rock.

Jeff just laughed at your reaction. He wanted to impress you so, He climbed at a tree and started doing some swings and flips.

You did the same but using your tentacle. You had a race with him. Apparently it ended because of the broken branch.

"Watch out!" Jeff landed infront of you

Your lips were inches away from his, You stared at his eyes. You thought it was unique, The pure white and pitch black pupil.

"I'm sorry" He said, Still not moving.

"Could you stand up? You're squishing my tentacle" You simply said, Even though you can feel the numbness.

He quickly stood up and helped you out. He dusted you and himself. You just laughed of what happened.

"Got anything broken?" He asked. Caring if there was any broken bones or sliced skin

"Nope. Perfectly functional, Lets just walk again" You suggested.


"Tell me all your likes, So I could get an idea" He was serious about that courting thing.

"I'm just the typical person, Anything could do but Band merchandise is dope" You remembered how expensive a single tshirt is.

"Band Merch, Got it"

You continued the conversation until you had reached the mansion. Jeff bid his goodbye, saying he'll be back later. He's just going to have a killing spree.

You helped SlenderWoman with the laundry and played videogames with BEN. You let him win because of his temper of winning.

Jeff came back an hour later, His hoodie stained with red. He laid himself on the sofa, tired and hungry.

"Can you make me food?" He asked.

"Sure" You stood up and headed to the kitchen. He followed lazily.

You cooked him mac'n cheese with bacon. He was really hungry so he ate half of it. Atleast, He still left you some.

"This is delicious" He burped loudly.

"Obvious, How is the killing of yours?" You asked, Really want to know how happy he is.

"Still plain as usual but it makes me happy" He said like it was normal but really a sin. He rubbed his full belly

"Explain to me why? Why did you lost your  conscience?" You looked at him like a curious kid, Having this creativity.

"Insanity is high" He simply explained, It's the most simple answer he could think of.

"It will get to you, Just wait a bit" He continued, Maybe he's right...

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