Chapter Seven

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'What is she doing to me' Jeff thought.

Looking at the window, He saw (Y/N)'s training.

'She's really good'

Looking at (Y/N) made him blush. He couldn't stop thinking about her, Ever since he saw her.

'Her beautiful face was framed by her hair and her smile' Blushing at the thought

'Thanks Guys, By the way where's Jeff?'

'She looks for me, Fuck you're just fucking assuming. She just curious, You fucking idiot' Jeff had a internal battle with himself.

'Just let it pass or a killing spree might be nice'


In the afternoon, You decided to help Slender Woman to cook dinner. While the others had a killing spree somewhere.

"Can i help?" You asked like kid with a cute voice

"Sure Darling" She patted your head

You followed Slender Woman's orders like getting the knives, herbs and spices. You cutted the vegetables, And she deep fried the meat.

At the window You saw Jeff, soaked in blood.

"Don't worry child, He's not hurt or something" You calmed at her words

"He always does this when something is bothering him"

"What do you mean by that?" You asked

"Jeff always kills at night. Killing helps him think straight"

Looking back a Jeff, You saw him looking back at you. You blushed, looked down and continued cutting again


Having dinner, You had the same routine. Talked about each other's day. You asked curious questions, but something or someone bothering you.

'Maybe he's not hungry right now or he just don't like me that he doesn't want dinner because I'm here' You thought.

After dinner, You carried Jeff's plate with a buttload of food. Knocking at the door.

"Jeff its me again, I brought you food" You said with a small frown

The door opened, Jeff saw your sad face

"Hey, Why are you sad?" You looked at him

"Uhmmm no, I just have question for you" You said while giving him the tray.

"Do you hate me?"


"Do you hate me?"

Was suprised by the question, Jeff just looked at (Y/N). Not answering the question

"Do you hate me because I'm here, You didn't have dinner with the others because I'm with them, And you didn't watched my training this morning" (Y/N) looked down

Jeff just stared

"I-I" Jeff stuttered

(Y/N) looked up with sadness with her eyes

"I- I understand" (Y/N)'s face full of sadness

Jeff saw (Y/N) walk away.

'N-no! What the fuck are you doing! Its your chance Idiot!'

Looking up, Seeing (Y/N) out of sight

"It's not the right time"

Jeff the Killer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now