Chapter Nine

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Waking up the next morning, You quickly took a bath and wore fresh clothes. Heading your way to the kitchen. Instead of Slender Woman, You saw Slender Man.

"Where's-" You were cutted off

"Slender Woman is doing the laundry today."

"Oh okay, Where is the laundry room?"

"At the basement (Y/N)"

Going to the basement, You heard the noise of a washing machine.

"Good Morning Darling"

"Good Morning to you too, Can I help?"

"Of course, Can you hand me three bottles of bleach?"

"Three? Why do you need- Oh"

You saw clothes which were blood-stained. You gave her the bleach, And watch the water became red liquid.

"Can I ask you a question Darling?"

You nodded

"What if someone likes you, Will you give him a chance?"

"I-it depends, Why do you asked?"

"Oh nothing Darling, Just a little bird told me that he likes you"

A blush formed in your cheeks


After breakfast, You helped Slender Woman clean up. The others go to their daily schedule.

You were at the living room, Watching a movie. You heard footsteps, You looked around and saw Jeff.

"Hey, I-I just wanted to clear something up"

You just looked at him, Waiting for him to continue

"I don't h-hate you, I just don't- I'm just not used talking or hanging out with girls"

You saw a blush

"It's okay" You smiled

You turned around and continue watching the movie

"Do you want to join me?"

Looking back at him. He nodded


He sat next besides you.


'Ok Jeff, Put your Fucking self together. This is our fucking chance'

Jeff sat nervously to (Y/N)

'She's beautiful'

"So not in the mood for a killing spree?" She said while watching

"I only kill at night now"


Jeff felt her looking at him

"Slender Dad grounded me" Jeff smirked

"Slender Dad?"

"Slender Man, He's just like a dad. He grounded me because I was almost caught by the police"

"I remember"

In the middle of the movie, There was a knock at the door.

You heard a knock

'I thought only creepypastas are allowed?"

You stood up, And headed at the door. You opened it and saw a man with horns who wore a suit.

He looked at you

"Hello there, Who are you?" He said

You were suppose to answer until Slender Woman arrived

"Zalgo! Long time no see" She gave the man a hug

"Hey Zalgo, Waaazzzzzuuuupppppppp" Jeff said

"Wazzzzuuuuppppppppp" The man named Zalgo replied.

Jeff and Zalgo gave each other a weird handshake. He looked at you again

"Who's this?" He smiled

"She's (Y/N)"

"Oh, I heard about her. She had the same powers as Slender Man, Am i correct?"

You nodded

"I'm Zalgo" He gave your hand a kiss

"It's a pleasure to meet you"

You blushed

"It's a pleasure to meet you too"

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