Chapter Ten

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Jeff's POV

I saw them smile at each other. A pain was strike at my chest, It made me mad. (Y/N) saw my sour face, I quickly made it neutral. 'What is this feeling?' 

"(Y/N), Mind having a walk with me?" Zalgo asked, His bloodied hands caress hers.

I had my eyes widen, He asked her first...

Zalgo gave me that look of his that I know what he wanted...This is going to be a bloody game.

"Sure...Why not" (Y/N) blushed

"Things just got real bro" BEN whispered to me

"Help me sabotage that walk of theirs?" I grinned at him, He's my bro, We always help each other out.

"My pleasure"


Third POV

(Y/N) and Zalgo walked into the deep woods of SlenderMan. Covering up conversation about the Murder and their own history why they ended up in here.

"Well, Nice to have a new member of the family." Zalgo commented

It made (Y/N) smile.

"I must say you really made the Slender Man happy"


"They've been longing for a child, That's why they always took children back at the past...But now they have you" Zalgo explained...(Y/N) understood why they took her in so quickly

They didn't know about the two little trickster following their steps. Planned about the traps they had made.

BEN and Jeff laughed, Excited about the boobietraps to go off. They hid a little to far now because of their loud laughter

"Jeff has a crush on you" Zalgo stated

It made (Y/N) blush...

"I know you have a crush on him also, How about make the first move for his favor" Zalgo stopped himself and (Y/N) from walking. Pick a rock from the side and threw it off on the way. It set the trap.

They heard Jeff curse

"Hey Jeffy Boy! (Y/N) wants to take you out on a killing spree" Zalgo yelled

The statement made Jeff and (Y/N) blush...It was a moment of silence until BEN and Zalgo laughed so hard.

"I take that as a yes, See you later Jeff" (Y/N) blushed and waved at Jeff shyly.

Jeff the Killer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now