0. definitions (prologue)

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Love, as defined in the dictionary, is a deep and tender feeling of affection for or attachment or devotion to a person or person. It's an expression of one's love or affection. It's a feeling of brotherhood and good will towards other people. It's a strong liking for it interest in something. It's sexual passion, and sexual intercourse. It's the person who is the object of such an affection AKA a sweetheart or lover. 

To me, love is the feeling I get when I look out into a crowd full of the best fans in the world, when I see my friends and family, when I think about River, or when I'm with the love of my life. 

Mother, as defined in the dictionary, is a woman who has borne a child. It's a woman having the responsibly and authority of a mother. It's the woman who is going to give birth. 

To me, mother means being there when you are needed. You have to be there for your child or children. You need to watch them grow and help them. A mother is an honest, kind woman to her children, who puts her pride and joy first. 

A daughter, as defined in the dictionary, is a girl or woman as she is related to either or both parents. It's a female descendant. It's anything thought of as like a daughter in relation to it's source or origin. 

To me, daughter means the most beautiful girl(s) in the world. A daughter in the most lovely thing. Nothing compares to your baby, or babies. A daughter is a best friend who you share your life with. Daughters are hard to handle and a piece of work, but they are diamonds in the dust. They are the sunshine in every mothers day. 

Soul mate, as defined in the dictionary, is a person, usually of the opposite sex, with whom one has a deeply personal relationship. 

To me, a soul mate is the person I know I can't live without. That could be Della, Allix, my mother, or even him. My soul mates could be every single one of my fans, because I know I can't live without them. A soul mate is the person you were made to spend your whole life with. You don't have to have only one soul mate. I know I don't. But you know it's them when they're suddenly a part of you. Not a little part either. A huge part, like a half. You can't live without that huge part of you. You need your soul mate, and they need you. 

Cheating, as defined in the dictionary, is the act of deceiving or swindling. It's to deceive by trickery; fool or mislead. It's to be sexually unfaithful. 

To me, cheating is one of the most horrible things one can do. That's makes me a horrible person. When you cheat on someone you break them, that's why cheating is such a terrible move. I've cheated, more than once, and I've been cheated on. Cheating isn't the right thing to do. It's the reason I can never trust myself again. 

Leukemia, as defined in the dictionary, is any of a group of neoplastic diseases of the blood-forming organs, resulting in an abnormal increase in the production of leukocytes, often accompanied by anemia and enlargement of the lymph nodes, sleep, and liver. 

To me, leukemia is shit. No one wants to have cancer, especially an adult. A kid having cancer is terrible, but when an adult has cancer then consider yourself dead. Gone. No more. Toast. Leukemia is the most painful, heart-wrenching, depressing way to go in my book. I never worried about it too much though, considering I never thought I would have that crap they call cancer. Leukemia is an unlucky thing. I guess I'm just one of those unlucky people. 

Death, as defined in the dictionary, is the act or fact of dying. It's the permanent ending of all life in a person, animal, or plant. It's the state of being dead. 

To me, it's none of those things. It's not an ending. What, you think just because you die then your story is over? That's nonsense. Death is in fact a state, but not of being dead. Just of being gone. When you die, whether it be suicide, murder, cancer, old age, an accident, or whatever else the case may be, you and you're story are never done. Even if you want to die, death never buries all of you. You will always be there, even though you might be gone. You are never dead. You are always alive in someone's heart. I hope to stay alive in my loved ones hearts. I'll need them to keep me alive because I can no longer do it for myself.

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