16. final

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A/N: Yes, this is the final chapter. I know I said 18 chapters, but I think that ending this story here is good. Plus, there will be an epilogue coming soon. But for the alternative ending I need to know what you guys would like to read. So please comment about that. Also, this chapter is going to be told in Blu's POV, since pt. 1 of the epilogue will be a special characters and pt. 2 will be in Kellin's. Remember to follow me on Instagram (@cjs_1400 and @the_most_epic_fangirl) as well as Tumblr (I have two) at 14shadesofsomethingclever and the-most-epic-fangirl. I have nothing up else to say besides please enjoy.


Song: Forever And Always by Parachute

Please just remember, even if I'm not there, I'll always love you, forever and always...


There is a poem. True Beauty is what it's called, by Jean Melanie Pullman.

True beauty is in the way she laughs
True beauty is in her eyes
True beauty is how she acts
True beauty is inside
True beauty is unseen
True beauty is only felt
True beauty is not mean
True beauty is herself
True beauty can't be cruel
True beauty is bare
True beauty within you
True beauty is always there
True Beauty can't be covered with makeup
True beauty means true love
True beauty can't be baked up
True beauty is the flight of a dove
True beauty has no flaws
For True beauty is all that matters after all.

It's a lovely poem, really. But it's just not the truth when it comes to Summer. What she did, how she acted, and her essence was not truly beautiful, because there's nothing beautiful about suicide. Or anorexia. Or self harm. It's sad and upsetting, not beautiful or romantic. Instead of kissing scars people should be getting their loved ones help, even if they're told to not get them help. I wish I had said something to Kellin or shown how I felt about this to the guys. Kellin whined about how she was so beautiful, but towards the end the mood she set off really wasn't. Maybe I'm just saying this because she's gone. I mean, it's not like she was just some ordinary character in the book of life. No, she was the main character.

Even the prettiest flower will die one day.
It's the natures way of teaching...
Us that nothing lasts forever.

That is more Summer James Parker. Summer Quinn. Summer Parker.

I wish I had said that as her memorial service instead of True Beauty. No messages of false hope or impossible expectations just because she was beautiful.

So, to get to the point, Summer was stuffed into a pretty dress then stuffed six feet under. Six feet above there is me: her best friend for many, many years. We fought, laughed, loved, and lived our dreams together. We were apart of each other's homes, weddings, and family.

There's her mom, who has not only lost a husband and a son, but now a daughter. She checked herself into a rehabilitation center three days after the burial. I mean, who wouldn't? She's been through too much already. Hearing that her daughter killed herself crossed the line, I'm sure.

There's the guys; Ian, Zack, Trent, and Steve. Plus their women and Steve's child. No one wants to have such a close friend of theirs go through cancer. But no one wants them to kill themselves either. What happened with River was enough.

There's Kellin. He probably should have seen this coming. Not the cancer of course. That could happen to anyone, famous or not. But, her feelings have built up over the years. I should have seen the signs too, but Kellin was closest to her.

There's her daughters. I can see it now. "How did your mom pass away?" Suicide. Actually, people will probably already know. Not everyone's mom was in a famous rock band.

I don't think any of us will really be able to forget this. Hell, I only have about forty more years left. A memory like this won't ever be able to escape my mind.

I think if I could go back I still would have wanted to meet Summer. I'm not going to stop making music because she's not here. She has made me want to continue making music. I'll never be able to repay for her all that she's done. I would have never meet so many amazing people if it weren't for her. I wouldn't have gotten so many amazing comments on what I do. I wouldn't be here today.

And if it weren't for her I wouldn't have some amazing, life-long best friends. Steve, Trent, CC, Zack, Ian, River, and... Summer. Especially Summer.

So yeah, of course her suicide was sad. There never was and never will be anything romantic, beautiful, or whatever, about killing yourself. But there is beauty in the people who never realized it and never get a chance to realize it either. And there's beauty in what they've left behind. Children, stories, music... a real legend, she was.

I'm going to miss her. I miss her. That's never going to stop. I'm never going to stop missing Summer and Kellin, River, River and Aaron, or Sorry We're Late. But I'll make it. I've got the most amazing support system behind me. I've got new fans, old fans, family, friends, and a beautiful son. I think I'll be just fine, just as long as I've got my angels looking down on me. Yeah... that sounds pretty good.

The End

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