6. cheating

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A/N: This chapter is sex, so if you don't want to read it you don't have to. Most of you probably will though.


Song: Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade

And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap


Kellin tugged my pants down and tossed them to the side so that they ended up on the floor, next to my tank top and bra. He pulled my underwear down as he kisse and sucked on my sensitive breasts. The boy, who was already naked and over me, made me feel so needy. 

I whimpered for him to kiss, or do more, lower. I needed this so much. This would complete my soul. Maybe not forever, but definitely for the moment. 

"So beautiful," Kellin whispered as he pulled his lips away from my chest. He scooted down a little lower, giving me a nice view of what stood between his legs. He smirked and leaned down, his face finally where I wanted it to be. He immediately starting eating me out as his fingers crept into me. First there was one… soon two… then three… "So tight."

"God, I love your fucking tongue." He curled his fingers inside of me, searching for my special spot as I like to call it. "And those fingers of yours. Mmm…"

"You'd rather have something bigger inside of you, wouldn't you?" Kellin hissed against my inner thighs, pulling away for a second. 

"Oh hell yes!" I groaned. 

He chuckled and sat up. His fingers moved rapidly, thrusting in and out. "I thought this was supposed to be sweet love making?" he teased. 

"Then get to the love making part!" Kellin laughed some more. 

He leaned down so his tongue could run over love bites he gave me only minutes before. I seemed to have lost it by then, because I couldn't wait anymore. I resorted to begging.

"Kellin," I whined, "make love to me already!" I was struggling to catch my breath. His fingers finally found my spot. 

Kellin looked up at me, gazed into my eyes, and smiled. "You sure?" he asked, not taking his beautiful eyes off of me. “Are you sure?"

I nodded. "I'm more positive about this than anything before."

"Okay. I'll make love to you, baby. Nice and slow." He removed his hand from me and moved us around a bit. We were in missionary position in the blink of an eye. And in the blinks of two eyes Kellin had the condom rolled on. 

"You’re sure?" he asked one more time. I can understand him wanting to make sure this isn't a mistake. I mean, I'm cheating. He just broke up with Alissa. But if he's sure than I'm sure. 

"Yes Kells, just remember nice and slow. I want it slow tonight, okay baby?"

Kellin nodded and pressed his lips to mine for a moment. He pressed his core to mine and slowly slid in. We both gasped. I gasped at his largeness; I had forgotten how huge he felt inside of mine. He gasped as my tightness; he'd forgotten how tight I am. 

"God Kellin!" I loudly moaned when he was all the way in. I threw my head back, smiling at how wonderful his slow thrusts felt. It was very rare whenever we fucked slowly. Now that we're finally doing to after so long it feels amazing. Wonderful. Like pure bliss. 

"I can't believe how fucking tight you are," Kellin groaned into my ear. He slowly pushed in and out. When he slowly caressed my G-spot I screamed. I bit my lip as Kellin pulled himself out and then pushed himself back it. It felt so… perfect.

Kellin moaned, groaned, grunted, gasped, and sighed. The noises only made me wetter. I wanted him harder, deeper, but his speed was fine. It was what made this so loving. 

"Baby, you feel fucking great around me," Kellin growled against my lips. We were suddenly kissing, which opened my eyes to something. I can't let this go. Not Kellin, our relationship, or our love making. I can't let Destery go either, but after my history with Kellin I'd be crazy to just throw us out the window. 

Divorce was a really stupid idea. 

I pulled away from Kellin's lips as much as possible so I could scream. "Oh fuck yes!" Over and over again Kellin moved slowly into my spot. I was close, too close. I felt it coming, taking over my entire being. I could no longer control myself. My body was taken over by my release. My toes curled, my nails dug into his shoulders, and my body shook. 

After my climax Kellin began to thrust faster. I tightened around him, wanting him to release as well. With him moaning and growling he let go. After a minute or so Kellin pulled out, tore the condom off, tossed it in the trash bin near the bed, and laid down next to me. I stayed on my back, but Kellin rolled onto his left side to face me. He pulled the cover up to my chest, covering my breasts. On him (because he didn't pull them up over him) they only reached down to his waist, covering anything below the belt. 

"You're sweaty," Kellin said. He let out a few chuckles. 

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "I know, baby boy." 

I rolled over to cuddle with him.  

"So," Kellin murmured, "did you find out what you were wanting to find out?"

I bit my lip as I shrugged. He knew what my plan was: to find out the truth about us. "I think so Kells, I think so…"

A/N: Ten comments please. I love you all.


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