2. types

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A/N: One, the picture of Summer is now in chapter one. Two, the room discription is also a discription of my own. #freakincool #swaggie #ironicyolo


Song: CheaterCheaterBestFriendEater by Never Shout Never

Oh, I know all about your type…


After searching around the pet shop I didn't find any animal that I wanted, or should I say Destery would have wanted. He's never wanted a rat, even though I think they're adorable. Hell, he didn't even want Buddy and Pursie. Aurora sure loved my pups, but Des didn't want anything to do with them. 

The only things of mine he would go around are my daughters, and they aren't pets. 

Kellin sat on the floor of the living room we once shared. Now it's only mine. In his hands were dolls. In front of him were Della and Allix. It's hard to believe they're already crawling, preparing to walk. They grow up so fast. 

"I'm still thinking about the poem," Kellin quietly mumbled. 

I nodded in agreement. "Same. I understand the ending though."

"Yeah?" He looked up from the doll and shot me a curious grin. 

"Yes. I mean, it tells in the book, but I think I really know."

"Tell me."

I slid down to the floor and picked up Allix. She giggled. I wonder what she'd think about having a younger sibling… "In my perspective, there's a type of person. Yeah, everyone is different, and I know I shouldn't go stereotyping people. It's true though. There are the jocks, the overly smart people, the scene kids, and more. I think that there are a type of people… a group of many… who feel that way. Not cared for, invisible, alone… the end of the poem explains that someone is finally doing something about the way they're feeling. No, it should never be through self harm or suicide, but they're doing something since no one has ever tried doing anything at all. I hope to never feel that way; to be that type of person. I'd rather help the people who feel that way."

"Miss Summer Parker, you truly are something special. You know that right?" Kellin asked as Allix crawled from my lap to his and Della chewed on a doll head. 

"Thank you, but I'm not. I may not be the type who feels that way, but I am a type," I said. 

"And what type would that be?"

"I like to call it the classy whores, but others would call it the cheaters. The 'love them then leave them' type."

Kellin frowned. "You aren't a whore…"

"But I am a cheater. Kellin why are you trying with me again?" I asked ever so bluntly. 

He shrugged. "You ask that like I'm doing this because I'm dumb. Shit, I probably am dumb considering I'm basically cheating with the woman who cheated on me. The thing is I honestly can't help myself," Kellin sounded so defeated, "I honestly can't think about being with anyone else right now. It was really stupid of me to push you away because-"

"Because it's really stupid now to get back together after divorcing." By the stiff nod I was given I knew I stole the words right out of his mouth. "And-"

"And it would be dumb to have another wedding if we ever decide to marry again." It was his turn to take away my words now. It was my turn to give the stiff nod. 

"Dada!" Della giggled as she dropped the doll she held and crawled to Allix. Once Kellin had both the girls on his lap I couldn't contain myself. They were so cute. I grabbed my phone and took a quick picture.

Someday I'll look back on it and smile at my little family.

"You wanna show me that room of yours?" Kellin suddenly asked. I looked to see him smiling. I forgot that I had told him about my room remodel. 

I nodded and stood to my feet. Together we brought the girls to their room upstairs and then went back downstairs to the room we once owned together. I slowly opened the door, revealing my latest art project. The walls were painted purple and light grey, the new curtains a dark blue to match my bed set. Where the walls and the ceiling met their were white Christmas lights. They were strung around my room, illuminating it when the night grew closer. On the wall my bed was against were posters of all my favorite bands (mostly older ones) such as Green Day and The Beatles. There were also pictures, Polaroids, letters, poems, and drawings. Right above the bed, on the purple-painted wall, were the words, "Together, we can be infinite…"

There were lyrics and sayings painted all around the room, but the over my bed was my personal favorite. There were also pictures, posters, and such around, but none like the ones on the wall the bed was pressed against. 

"Well… shit," Kellin mumbled. When I looked at him and saw his impressed smile I knew I did good with the room. Everything went perfectly together. The bed set, curtains, bookshelf (which was flooded with books), the dressers, and drawers all matched. The paint on the wall looked enchanting with the wedding-white Christmas lights. The items on my walls showed my love for many things, like special quotes I read every night before bed. 

To be honest the room was perfect. While redecorating I found it to be a very relaxing and distracting task. It calmed me over the past two weeks. It didn't matter what I was doing, whether it be painting, putting something on the walls, rearranging furniture, going through the closest, setting up my CD rack, or finding out how to work my new TV and stereo set. And now I think the same thing, even though it's finished. When I come into my "new" room I feel comfortable, like nothing can bother me. The problems of the world are taken out of my mind and are replaced by inspiring words, music, photos, letters, poems, and books.

I have quotes to keep me sane when I look around the room. I have music to make me feel better when I'm down. I have photos of family, friends, bands, and fans that smile at me. I have poems, which I am obsessing over lately. Aside from the poem in The Perks of Being a Wallflower my favorite would either have to be the one I have framed on my nightstand next to my clock: 

i've never ached like this before
and i can't tell if i love it
or if i hate it
but i know this:
i would not trade it for anything
and i would not trade you 
for anything 


Or the one I have on my wall of many posters, poems, photos, letters, etc.

And when I die, 
Don't you dare come to my funeral
Don't put flowers on my grave
Don't cry and say you'll miss me

Because you're the reason
I'm six feet under
Wondering if I'll ever
Rest in Peace. 


I don't know who nm and k.a but I know three things. One, they have felt the emotions that the person at the end of the poem from TPoBaW felt. Two, they know how to write just the right things. And three, they write the truth. But, we'll get into the poems later on. 

Kellin walked into the bedroom and sat himself down on my made bed. I followed suit, sitting extra close to him. We stared at each other for a moment, taking in the peacefulness that surrounded us. He leaned in slowly to kiss my forehead, but his lips never made it to my skin. He jumped back and scooted three feet away from me when we heard the sound of my front door open and close. I knew I should have never given Des a key! 

"Summer, I'm-" Destery stopped dead in his tracks as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. I was sitting with my legs crossed on the edge of my bed, watching the smile disappear from his face, while Kellin stood quickly to his feet. Kells brushed off invisible, or nonexistent, dirt from his clothing. The feeling in the air was awkward, uncomfortable, and quiet frankly something I hated. The feeling should never be in my bedroom. 

I felt my heart break as Destery assumed the worst. He thought I cheated on him, which in a way I did, but technically I did not. What I believed didn't matter though because soon he was out the door and stomping his way out of my home, leaving me to drown in a sea of guilt. 

A/N: Three things! One, I'm sorry this took so long to get out to you guys. I promise you I don't have writer's block, I'm just lazy. Two, the poems are supposed to be that way. Also, this story is going to have a lot to do with poems. If I were you I'd expect to see at least one poem in every chapter. Three, thanks for all the comments on the last chapter. I love you all. 

Song on the side is CCBFE by NSN. Ten comments explaining your thoughts on the chapter please. The next one should be up in no more than two weeks. 


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