Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

What am I gonna do,
when the best part of me was always you?
And what am I supposed to say,
when I'm all choked up and you're okay?
I'm falling to pieces.
I'm still alive, but I'm barely breathing.


"Marco, please call me. I can't take this. Pick up, please. Yell at me, scream my head off, just something, please" I begged, before hanging up again.

The tears started to run down my face again, but I had by far given up on wiping them away.

Marco hadn't answered any of my text or calls, not that I blame him though. I knew, what I did was wrong, I knew, I'd hurt him, I'd hurt myself. I just didn't get it, how could I let something that good, slip right out of my hands?

My phone rang, and quickly looked at it, hoping to see Marco's name on the screen, but no.

"Hi" I said with a sore voice.

"Hi love, it's me" Julia said, with a kind voice.

I didn't say anything, I didn't have the words.

"Are you coming today?" she asked.

"No, I think I'll take a day more in bed. I'll be there tomorrow" I said, before hanging up.

It was a lie though and she knew that. I had been saying this the last three days she'd called me. I just couldn't get up, everything hurts too much. The only one, I had told what was going on was Julia, but I knew she'd told Sophie too. I was also pretty sure Julia had told Sebastian, not about Marco and what he was to me, but that I'd had my heart broken, because he'd been way too caring the last couple of days. Calling me several times a day, asking me how I was. It was sweet, I knew I had good friends, but I just didn't want to talk to them. The only one I needed to hear from was Marco. I'd give everything to hear his voice one last time.


"I'm so glad you decided to come, Mila" Julia said, as we meet in a hug.

I tried my best to smile, hiding in her hug. It was the first time I'd been out since that day, I had a ton of make-up on my face, trying to hide my sore and swollen red eyes.

"Yeah, it's Sebastian's day. I promised to be here" I said, she stroked my arm.

"Let's go find the guys" she smiled, taking my hand, pulling me after her.

Sebastian and our school's talent team were playing in this football tournament with talents from other schools. It was a pretty huge thing and he'd been talking about for weeks. There were going to be professional footballers here to check out the talent and they would have to coach the teams. I think, it's a good way of making room for new talent. We walked over to some seats, as I looked around. I couldn't see Sebastian anywhere at first, but my heart stopped when my eyes met the guy next to him. Everyone around me disappeared, the world turned dark and I only had my eyes on him. There he was, the guy who broke my heart. The guys who's heart I had broken. Marco was standing with the boys from our team, which when I thought about it, made sense since he'd been at our school. My heart stopped beating, when his eyes caught mine too. None of us reviled any emotions at first, we just stared blank at each other. I felt how my heart were ripped into small pieces.

"Mila, you okay?" Julia asked, as she'd seen Marco too.

"I uhm. I'm just gonna-" I started, not taking my eyes of Marco.

When the tears started to run down my face, I turned around and walked away from everyone. The tears got a free run, making it hard for me to breathe. That's when Marco stepped up next to me. He didn't look at me at all, I didn't look at him either. We kept or distance, not getting too close.

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