Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time

My eyes slowly opened, but every ray of light that hit my face, made my eyes scream. I had a terrible headache, as I opened my eyes, looking around. This wasn't Marco's bed. I scratched the back of my head, before very slowly and carefully, sitting up. I looked to my side, finding a bucket standing next to the bed and everything from last night, kinda flashed into my head in little pieces. I remembered everything that had happened with Marco, but almost everything after that, was a total blackout.

I remembered how Marco had looked at her, the smile he'd given her, my smile, mine. Just allowing myself to think about, made my stomach turn. I bit my lip, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. I heard noises in the kitchen, so I let my bare feet touch the cold floor, before walking out, rubbing my head as if it would help the hangover. My eyes caught Erik, who was standing, shirtless, in the kitchen. I whined in pain, covering my eyes with my hand.

"So you're still alive?" he giggled, sending me a little smile.

I didn't even have the energy to give him back, which definitely said a lot about my hangover, because I was always ready to throw a joke at his face. Erik sat down, handing me a plate.

"You should eat" he said, but it made me wrinkle my nose.

I let my hand touch my stomach.

"I think I'll skip" I whispered with a dry throat. It wasn't the hangover making me sick, though.

"At least drink something" he said, before handing me a glass of water.

I sent him a smile, taking a very small sip.

"What happened?" I asked, meeting his eyes.

It once again made Erik laugh. He was clearly enjoying my pain. Though, this had to mean, he didn't know about what happened between them. Again Marco and Carolin's kiss replayed in my head, almost making me tear up.

"Marco?" I asked, licking my lips.

"He tried taking you with him when he left, but you were too drunk to be moved" Erik said, with a little laugh.

A flash of last night replayed in my head;

"Mila? Mila, can you hear me?" I heard Marco's voice, but my eyes didn't open, they were too heavy.

I felt his hand on my burning cheek, which made me able to open them just a little. His face was worried at first, but when he had eye contact, he couldn't help but giggle a little.

"You are a bit drunk, aren't you?" He asked and I nodded.

"You can just let her stay, Marco" Erik said, appearing in the doorframe.

"Yeah, I don't think I'll be able to move her" he said, sending him a smile.

"I wouldn't count on it, I'll watch her"

"Thanks" Marco said, turning his attention back at me.

I couldn't help, but look at his lips. I wondered, if they taste like Carolin, or her lipstick were all over them. I wasn't sure, but Marco smelled of perfume, but I didn't think it was mine. I kept wanting to say something, ask him why he did it. If he didn't love me anymore? Or if I had done something wrong – but it was like my body wasn't listening. Like it was a car and someone else was driving it, so all I could do, was just watch. Watch my life fall apart right in front of me. Would he take her home? Would she lay on my side of the bed? I felt the sickness spread and felt my white face go even more pail. Marco saw, right away, so in the second I leaned to the side, he lifted up a bucket and once again I threw up. Marco leaned down, kissing my forehead.

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