Chapter 1:

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Hermione's POV-

The common room was loud and welcoming, the red and gold colours on every wall. We were back home, ready for our 6th year,  and despite the beginning of you-know-who's power, everything seemed normal.

"Dean, chuck us a chocolate frog would ya!" Ron shouted across the common room.

Dean threw the packet towards Ron, but missed him and hit Harry square in the head instead, who was deep in conversation with Ginny.

"Ouch, what was that for?" Harry shouted jokingly.

"Sorry mate, my aim's a little off." Dean grinned.

"A little? Well that's an understatement." Seamus chuckled.

"True Seamus. Harry, pass me the chocolate frog. Thanks mate." Ron piped up.

"Oh Ron, do you ever stop eating?" I asked rhetorically.

"Nope." Ron said with a mouthful of chocolate.

I just rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch in front of the fire, pulling out my book. I was only five pages in when everyone in the common room stopped talking, so I turned around to see why. Professor Mcgonagall was standing at the entrance, searching around the room, until her eyes landed on mine.

"Ah, miss Granger. Please come with me." The professor spoke calmly.

"Professor?" I asked, confused.

"Please come with me and don't ask questions, I'm under strict orders by professor Dumbledore." Mcgonagall ordered.

"Okay." I gulped, knowing that everyone's eyes were on me as I walked out of the common room.

The walk to the headmasters office was silent, my heartbeat was probably loud enough for the professor in front of me to hear.

"Sherbet lemons." Mcgonagall spoke to the statue, motioning for me to go up the stairs once the statue had opened.

"Good luck miss Granger." Professor Mcgonagall smiled.

"Thank you professor." I whispered, taking a deep breath before walking up the staircase leading into the headmasters office.

I reached Professor Dumbledore's office and nervously walked over to his desk.

"Good evening Miss Granger." Dumbledore smiled.

"Good evening Professor." I said in a voice barely audible, thinking of what I may of done wrong.

As if reading my mind, Dumbledore let out a small chuckle, then spoke.

"You're probably wondering why I've called you here tonight, am I correct?"

"Yes professor." I breathed.

"I need you to do a very important task for me. This task can potentially be dangerous if you don't take caution."

"Professor, what may this task be?" I asked.

"I need you to go back in time, back to the time when Lord Voldemort still went under the name as Tom Riddle, back when Tom was a 16 year old like yourself." Dumbledore explained.

"Y-you want me to go back in time?" I whispered, fear coursing through my body.

"If I remember, you are quite familiar with the time turner, and I know you never handed it back. I need you to befriend Tom Riddle, and I need you to find out what his plans were, and what he planned to accomplish when he was older. It may just help us to defeat him now." The headmaster said softly.

As minutes passed, we sat there in silence. I was debating on whether or not I should help him. If I did, I would most likely be away from everyone I know for a year, and I would be friends with a man I am terrified of. But if I don't help him, you-know-who will get stronger, and we might be lacking important knowledge of how to defeat him.

"I'll do it." I said confidently, making my decision.

Dumbledore smiled, standing up and walking around to stand in front of me.

"Mysterious thing time, powerful, but when meddled with, dangerous. You're not alone." Professor Dumbledore drawled.

"Professor?" I questioned.

"Mr Malfoy will be accompanying you on this task, and I have already spoke with him, and he accepted to to it." Dumbledore said.

"Does he know I'll be coming with him?" I asked.

"Yes, he knew I was asking you. He also know that you both are leaving tomorrow." He answered.

"Tomorrow? So soon?" I gasped.

"I'm afraid so Miss Granger. Now, I want you to tell no one about this, except for your closest friends. I'll explain to everyone after both you and Mr Malfoy leave as to why you won't be at school all year."

"Of course professor." I sighed.

"Now, I'll let you go back to your friends now to say goodbye, and please be back here by nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Then I'll give you everything that you'll need for this task. Goodnight Miss Granger." The headmaster waved me off.

"Goodnight Professor Dumbledore." I gave a small smile before walking out of his office, back to my common room.


"So what you're trying to tell us is that Dumbledore is making you go back 54 years just so you can discover what you-know-who was planning. That is ridiculous." Ron shouted.

"I know, but I couldn't say no to him." I sighed.

"How long are you going for?" Harry asked softly.

"A year." I whispered.

"A year! What does he expect from you." Ginny growled.

"I agree. It's way too long for you to be away. As much as I want Voldemort gone, Dumbledore can't seriously expect you to be gone for a year." Harry yelled.

"I'm sorry." I cried out, tears leaking from my eyes.

"Oh Mione, it's not your fault." Ron whispered, pulling me into a hug.

"We'll miss you so much Mione." Harry whispered, also giving me a brotherly hug.

"I wish you didn't have to go." Ginny sighed into my shoulder, letting a single tear fall onto my shirt.

"I've got to go now, I have to be at Dumbledore's office by nine o'clock, and it's already quarter to nine." I sniffed.

"We'll walk you there." Harry smiled softly, the other two nodding in agreement.

I grinned and began to walk out of the common room, Ron and Harry on either side of me, Ginny next to Harry.


"So Miss Granger, Mr Malfoy, you understand what you have to do?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes professor." Malfoy and I said in unison.

"Good. Now I've placed a few enchantments on this time turner, so that instead of going back an hour a turn, it will be a year a turn. Also, it will transport you back when it's time." Dumbledore explained.

I nodded and took the time turner from the headmaster, placing it around my neck.

"Malfoy, come here. You need this to be around you as well." I ordered kindly.

He just nodded and also placed the chain around his neck, not saying a word since he got to the headmaster's office.

I turned the golden time turner 54 times, when suddenly, everything began to rewind before our eyes.

And...first chapter done!!
I hope you enjoy it, although I couldn't really think of what to put as the first chapter, but yeah, this is it...

Also, Draco is not a death eater in this story!!!

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Love you all xxx

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