Chapter 6:

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Draco's POV-

Its been two and a half months since Hermione and I first started this mission, yet we still haven't found out anything that could be deemed useful.

"You know Draco, I've been thinking. Dumbledore told me that I would be gone for the entire year in present time, but I know for a fact that when we get back, it will be at the same time we left, that's how time travel works." Hermione stated.

"So what are you trying to say?" I questioned.

"I think that Dumbledore predicts something is going to happen to me." I replied.

"Don't be ridiculous Granger." Was all I said as I closed my eyes.

Only last night I had a nightmare about Riddle torturing Hermione, but when I woke up, I kept on chanting in my head that it won't happen, and that I won't let it happen.

"Draco, what is it?" Hermione asked softly from beside me.

"It's just, have you ever felt threatened, or even scared around Riddle?" I whispered.

"No, he's actually not that bad. But....but I have been having nightmares about him as V-Voldemort. I wake up crying, and they just don't stop. And...yes Draco. Sometimes I'm scared that he'll just find out everything and kill me, or hurt you, and I don't want that." Hermione sobbed, tears now falling down her cheeks.

"Oh Hermione." I mumbled, wrapping her arms around her figure, pulling her close.

She kept on sobbing against my chest, her arms clinging onto my now wet shirt.

"Shh, it's okay, just breathe. I won't let him hurt you." I whispered in her ear.

It took a good 15 minutes for Hermione to calm down, and when she did, she took a step back, embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry Draco, look what I did to your shirt." Hermione sighed, looking away.

I placed both palms of my hands on her cheeks and tilted her head to look at me.

"Listen to me Hermione, you never have to be embarrassed about crying, it makes you human. And never think that you can't talk to me about your problems, or just talk to me in general, because I'm always here." I smiled, pushing away a strand of hair that had fallen over Hermione's face.

"Draco, what ever happened to your hatred toward me, your blood prejudice towards mudbloods-"

"Don't you ever dare call yourself that again." I said sternly but softly, putting a finger to her lips to silence her.

"But-but-it used to be my name according to you."

"Hermione, you don't understand how much I regret that. I don't hate you anymore. No, I care so much for you, and there's this feeling that I get whenever I see you, especially when you crack that smile, and it's new to me, but I like it." I grinned.

"I just don't get it." Hermione whispered.

"You don't need to, I just need you to know that I like you, and I would do anything for you." I said, planting a kiss on her forehead.

Hermione's chocolate eyes bored into my own, then she leaned forward, basically pouncing on me, and crashed her lips on mine, causing me to topple over.

Not once did we break contact, her lips tasting sweet, like raspberries and strawberries combined.

Hermione pulled back slightly and stared into my eyes, a smile on her face.

"Draco Malfoy, I don't know what's changed, but I like it." She grinned.

"Well I like you." I smirked, kissing her nose, causing a little giggle to erupt from her.

Tom's POV-

I watched it all from far back, Hermione and Malfoy kissing. Two different emotions ran through my body. The first one was anger- anger that Malfoy can waltz around and take away the only person I've ever cared about; and jealousy- jealousy that it should be me Hermione's kissing, not Malfoy.

Not once in my life have I felt any feelings towards anyone, but Hermione happened to be the first person to change that. It was a weird feeling, but I didn't like the side effects to it, especially when you see the girl that you love snogging another guy.

I am going to make her fall for me, all I need is a little time. After all, half of the things she smelt in the armortentia was me.


Hermione's POV-

I was walking to the great hall for lunch, both Tanya and Crystal on either side of me.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Crystal muttered.

"Why? What's wr-"

"Hey Granger." Tom smirked in front of me.

"Yes Tom?" I looked up at him, butterflies in my stomach.

"We'll leave you two to it." Tanya winked, dragging Crystal away to the gryffindor table.

"Hermione, because it's Hogsmead this weekend, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" Tom asked nervously.

"I would love to." I blushed.

"I think your blonde friend is a little jealous though." Tom sneered.

I raised an eyebrow and turned around to see what Tom was talking about. Draco was standing only meters behind us, looking a bit upset. He turned around and walked out of the great hall, not saying a word.

"I'll see you tomorrow Tom." I whispered, walking over to where my friends were sitting, and placed my head in my hands and groaned, ignoring the voices of my concerned friends.


Ahh...finally Draco and Hermione kiss....

Also....finally Tom's POV... even though Voldemort cannot love, in this story he can love (obviously), but he doesn't exactly know what it is properly, and he doesn't know what to do with such a feeling...(if that made sense).
So basically, instead of not being able to love at all, love is confusing to him and he doesn't understand it very well.

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