Chapter 2:

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Hermione's POV-

"Well we're here, Kings Cross station, 1936." I sighed, looking around.

"Everything looks so...old." Draco whispered, the first sentence he's said all morning.

"Come, we better go or we'll miss the train." I said, grabbing his arm.

"Don't, I am capable of walking myself." He spat.

I just rolled my eyes and let go of his arm, walking ahead of him onto platforms 9 and 10. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Malfoy walking behind me, hands in his pockets.
We walked towards the barrier to platform 9 and 3/4, the muggles around us in dull clothing.

I took a deep breath and ran towards the wall, being transported to platform 9 and 3/4, where the red and black Hogwarts express was ready to depart at 11 o'clock.

"Ready Granger?" Draco whispered in my ear.

I nodded and stepped onto the train, looking around for an empty compartment. After walking down two carriages, we found an empty compartment, so we both sat down and shut the door.

"I can't believe I actually agreed to do this." Draco muttered to himself.

"I know." I whispered.

"Look Granger, as much as I don't want to do this, can we put aside our differences and hatred for each other whilst we do this stupid task?" Draco asked.

"Sure." I smiled softly.

"It's going to be awfully strange, isn't it, seeing our teachers as young kids." Draco murmured after about half an hour.

"I agree, but whatever you do, don't tell people my true blood status, because if Riddle knows, he will hate me, then everything we try to do will fail." I stated.

"Of course, but what are we going to say about our parents? My dad, I don't even think he was born yet, and obviously he is a Malfoy, so I can't go saying that he's my father." Draco questioned.

"You could say you're a cousin from Canada. We could both say we're both from Canada, and I'm also your distant step-cousin or something, therefore placing me on the pure-blood bloodline." I responded.

"I guess that could work." He nodded.

I pulled out my book and began to read it, soaking in every word on each page. It was quiet in the compartment, but peaceful, everything seemed almost normal. Both Draco and I were in our own worlds, when we were pulled back into reality from a loud sobbing coming from outside the door. Draco and I stood up and looked out the door, only to be met with a girl with two pigtails and glasses.

"Go away." Draco demanded, closing the compartment's door.

"Draco, that's Myrtle. Moaning Myrtle." I gasped in realisation.

"As in the ghost in that bathroom?" Draco questioned.

"Yes, but she's not dead, therefore Riddle hasn't open the chamber yet. Oh no...oh no." I groaned.

"What, what is it?" Draco raised an eyebrow.

"Oh merlin, do you not remember? When the chamber was opened in our second year, I was petrified, because I was a muggle-born. So that means when he opens it, I could be affected, then he'll know I'm a mudblood."

"Well Granger, just make sure he doesn't open it until our plan is complete." Draco smiled.


"Whoa, it looks exactly the same as it does in our time." I said in awe, walking to professor Dippet's office, who was the current headmaster.

"It does too." Draco whispered

Draco and I walked over to the entrance of his office, which instead of being guarded by a statue, a portrait was hung there.

"We need to see professor Dippet." Draco spoke to the portrait, who nodded and walked away, returning a minute later and opening the portrait hole.

"Professor." Draco and I nodded in unison.

"Ah, you two must be the transfers from Dumstrang, come here, we need to sort you both." The headmaster smiled, picking up the tattered sorting hat.

"Malfoy, you can go first." I smirked, motioning towards the hat.

He just rolled his eyes and strolled towards the headmaster, allowing the hat to be placed on his head, although just like in his first year, the hat yelled 'slytherin' when it just grazed his head.

I let out a small chuckle as he swaggered back next to me.

"Your turn Granger." Draco grinned.

I walked over to professor Dippet, gave him a smile, and closed my eyes as he placed the hat on my head.

"Hmm, very interesting. Smart you are, but your bravery is a standout. So I think you'll do best in GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting hat shouted.

I smirked as I walked back over to Draco, our eyes sharing a silent conversation.

"Ahh, Mr Riddle, Miss Grey, can you please take Mr Malfoy and Miss Granger here back to their dormitories. Draco was sorted into slytherin, and Hermione was sorted into gryffindor, so I hope you make the both of them feel welcomed.

"Of course professor." Tom Riddle answered with a slight smirk.

So that was him, Tom Riddle. He was tall, his perfect, pale skin contrasting with his black hair. His brown eyes locked with mine, his expression softening ever so slightly, causing an uncontrollable blush creeping onto my cheeks and neck.

Draco saw this quick exchange and raised an eyebrow, causing me to blush even more as I stared at his features, his blonde hair gelled back, his grey eyes dark and mysterious.

I could feel a strange feeling in my stomach as I looked at the two boys who were staring right back at me.

"Let's go." I said to the gryffindor prefect, shaking my head as I followed her out of the common room, not being able to get either the pair of brown and grey eyes out of my mind.

"I'm Tanya Grey, and I hope you enjoy Hogwarts, and I'm hoping we can become friends." The girl smiled kindly.

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you, and yes, I hope that too." I grinned.

"I think both the boys there have a bit of a thing for you." Tanya smirked.

"Me? Definitely not. Draco and I weren't always friendly throughout the years." I stated.

"But aren't you and Draco cousins?" Tanya questioned.

"Well, yes, kind of. Not biologically know what, I don't even know if I'm related to him, but anyway. We always fought, and we just had a dislike for each other, but now we've grown up." I lied, although Tanya believed it.

"Well that barely explains Draco, but anyway, what about Tom? No one's ever seen him look at a girl like that before, it's quite strange actually." Tanya smirked.

"No, I don't have any feeling towards Riddle, I only think he's good looking, and so is Draco-"

"So you think they're attractive?" Tanya grinned mischievously.

"'t be ridiculous." I blushed, looking away.

And second chapter, I hope it's alright. I am just trying to make filler chapters so I can start to write the main storyline...

Well, there's not much to say about this chapter...EXCEPT THAT TOM RIDDLE AND DRACO MALFOY ARE SO HOT AND ARE BOTH BAE!!!!

So yeah...

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Love you all xxx

mercy [dramione + tomione] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now