Chapter 7:

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Hermione's POV-

I walked towards the Great Lake with my hands in my pockets, watching the sun set. I sat down under a small tree and pulled out my book, enjoying autumn's cool, crisp breeze.

"Hermione, we need to talk. Follow me." Draco whispered in my ear, pulling me off the ground.

He began to walk ahead of me into the castle, so I followed him, soon ending up on the seventh floor.

We were standing in front of a blank wall, which I realised was the room of requirement, and Draco walked past the wall three times, revealing the door.

"Come." Draco whispered, opening the door.

Inside the room was a two couches, a love seat, a fireplace, a small table, surprisingly a bed, and there was even a spa.

"Draco, what did you think about?" I asked in awe.

"A place to relax." He said bluntly.

"Draco, what's wrong?" I questioned.

"Did that kiss mean nothing to you? Because only an hour later I see you accepting to go on a date with Riddle." Draco spat.

"Draco, I accepted to go to Hogsmead with him so I can continue to gain his trust, and so I can start asking questions." I explained calmly.

"Are you sure?" He asked quietly.

"I'm positive, I only want you, and I'm sure of that." I smiled sheepishly.

Draco gave the most childish grin, which caused my heart to melt. He ran up to me and kissed me hard, lifting my body off the ground. I wrapped my legs around his torso as he carried me over to the bed, making sure not to break the kiss.

He gently laid me down on the bed and climbed on top of me, kissing my neck. I let out a moan as he kissed a sensitive spot on my neck, so he kissed the other side, receiving the same reaction.

I fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, finally ripping it off, as he did the same to me.

Draco's kisses began to trail down my stomach as he reached just above my belly button. I lifted my hips up as he pulled off my jeans, leaving me there in just my laced bra and underwear. He just stared at my body, as I stared at his toned and muscly chest, his abs hard and defined. He leaned down to kiss me again, spilling all his emotion into the one kiss.
I quickly pulled back and muttered 'pants', noticing that he was still wearing his, then once again placed my lips on his. In one swift motion, he took off both his trousers and boxers without breaking the kiss, then took off both my bra and underwear.

I suddenly felt very self conscious of my body, and went to cover my body with my hands, but Draco held them back softly.

"Don't. You are the most beautiful person I've ever met. Don't ever think that you're not." He whispered, kissing my forehead.

I smiled and wrapped my hands around his bare back, forcing his head down to her neck. He immediately began to suck my neck, causing me to let out uncontrollable moans of delight. I dug my fingernails into his bare skin, which to my surprise, made him groan.

"Are you sure you want this." He asked kindly.

"Definitely." I whispered, smiling.

Draco interlocked his fingers with mine, positioning himself.

"I love you Hermione Jean Granger." He mumbled.

"And I love you, Draco Lucius Malfoy." I responded, with a smile on my face as we made love.


His face, that's all I could see. Then all of a sudden, he was standing over my  cowering body.

"Get up you silly girl." Voldemort hissed.

"No." I whimpered.

"Crucio! I will not stand to have a mudblood say no to me." He spat.

"I hate you." I cried out in pain.

"That's nice. Avada kedavra!"

"Hermione! Wake up!" Draco shouted, straddling my flailing form.

I suddenly sat upright and flung myself at Draco's bare chest, tears falling down my face.

"Shh, it was just a nightmare." Draco hushed.

"They won't stop Draco, the nightmares." I sobbed.

"Are they the same one each time." He asked softly into my hair.

"Yes. They're all about V-Voldemort." I nodded.

"You were screaming and shaking on the bed, and it wouldn't stop, so I decided to wake you." He whispered.

"Thankyou." I mumbled.

Minutes passed as I stayed in Draco's embrace, slowing down my racing heart, when suddenly he got an idea.

He got of the bed and walked to the other side of his bed, my eyes raking his naked body.

"Like what you see Granger?" Draco asked without turning around.

"As a matter of fact, yes I do." I smirked.

Draco just chuckled and shook his head. He stood up and chucked two items at me. I picked them up, raising my eyebrow as I held my underwear and bra.

"Well c'mon, put them on." Draco grinned as he put on his boxers.

I did what he said, still confused because it was only two in the morning.

Right when I was going to ask what we were doing, a muggle song that I had never heard started playing.


"Hermione, will you have this dance with me." Draco asked with a fake accent.

"Why yes you may." I smiled.

Draco held one of my hands and placed the other one on my waist, and started swaying back and forth. He twirled me around, causing me to burst out laughing.
He then picked me up by my waist and spun around, but then he lost his balance and fell over, bringing me with him.

"We really are horrible dancers." I laughed.

He just nodded in agreement with a giant grin on his face as he stood up and walked to the, pulling me with him, and laid down, wrapping his strong arms around my back, pulling me close to him.

"Goodnight beautiful." Was the last thing I heard as I fell into a dreamless sleep.


Before I get started on this, I want to dedicate this chapter to Claire Walker (DramioneDracoBae) , who helped write this chapter...(mainly the sex part because I'm terrible at writing those type of things...), so yeah, give her a follow.

The part in the italics is Hermione's nightmare, just making that clear.

Uhh, there isn't actually that much more to say...

So..please vote and follow💜

Love you all xxx

mercy [dramione + tomione] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now