Chapter 4:

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Hermione's POV-

I walked into the library and breathed in the aroma of the millions of books sitting perfectly on all the shelves.

I walked over to the closest shelf and scanned all the titles when my eyes landed on a very dark purple book, which was labeled 'The hunting of the snark'.
I pulled it out of the shelf, walked over to an empty table, and sat down, opening up the poetry book to the first page.

I was only reading for a few seconds when a voice started me.

"Hello Granger." A deep but handsome voice said.

I looked up and regretted my thoughts immediately, as I was looking at the face of Tom Riddle.

"Mind if I sit down?" Riddle asked, motioning his eyebrow towards the chair opposite from mine.

"Go for it." I responded, looking back down at the book.

"Your friend Draco tells me that your very smart, is he right?" Tom smirked.

"I guess you could say that." I said, looking up at him.

"Well, he didn't say that you were pretty, which I think you are." Riddle whispered, causing me to blush.

"No need to be embarrassed, you're only talking to the sexiest guy at this school." He beamed.

"Merlin, you remind me so much of Malfoy." I muttered to myself, but Tom had heard.

"I remind you of him do I? How so?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Well for starters, he always says that he's the hottest, and he always wear that stupid smirk that you have right now." I exclaimed.

"Shame that he won't be the sexiest guy anymore, because I am." Tom smirked.

"For Merlin's sake. What is it with guys thinking that they're the best in the world?" I groaned.

Riddle actually looked a bit taken back by my sudden outburst, but quickly recovered.

"Well, I may be a guy who uses my looks to my advantage, but I see you don't talk about your good looks very often. I like that about you." Tom said quietly.

I blushed again and had a small, tingling sensation in my stomach, which I knew was bad.

"You don't get complimented very often, do you?" He asked softly.

"No." I whispered, looking down, embarrassed.

"Well people should do it more often." Riddle mumbled before walking off.

As he walked off, he took one last glance in my direction, then walked out of the library, and the entire time, I couldn't take my eyes off him.
I smiled to myself and returned to my book, only looking up when I felt something tickle my nose. There was a piece of parchment floating right in front of me, so I grabbed it and turned it over, reading the message.

Meet me at the black lake at 5:00.


I blushed to myself as tucked the note into the pocket in my robes, although chanting in my head that I can not be falling for the enemy.


Short chapter, sorry guys x

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