Chapter 14:

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Just letting you know, Draco doesn't become a death eater in this, but Dumbledore still got killed by Snape, Draco just wasn't there.

Also, the section in italics is a flashback, just making that clear.


Hermione's POV-

It was over. Finally. Voldemort was defeated, killed by his own killing curse. I took in a sharp, shaky breath, turning towards Draco, my hand still clutched in his. I couldn't get what happened out of my head, no matter how hard I tried.

"Join us, or die." Voldemort drawled.

Draco placed his hand on mine, closing his fingers around my own.

"Draco. Draco come here." Lucius Malfoy called over.

Draco took a step forward, his eyes determined, his hand warm in mine.

"No." He said simply.

Both Voldemort and Lucius gave looks that could fry you on the spot if it were possible.

Voldemort began to raise his wand, but suddenly froze. His scarlet eyes locked with mine, sending shivers down my spine. His head turned abruptly, breaking our gaze, only to find Harry jumping out of Hagrid's arm.

I could feel tears of happiness rolling down my cheeks as Draco dragged me into the castle, Voldemort chasing us all in.

"Hermione, come." He shouted to me, running up two flights of stairs.

We were about to run up the next flight when Voldemort apparated right in our path.

"Shit." Draco mumbled, turning the other way, grabbing my entire arm.

We began to run the opposite way, when Draco froze on the spot, paralysed.

I turned around and once again, my eyes locked with his snake-like ones.

"What do you want." I cried.

"Hello...Granger." He smirked.

My body froze, not from a curse, but from shock. He remembers me. The boy who I once loved remembers me.

"R-Riddle." I stammered.

"Ah, the memories we had together in this place. The kisses we shared inside this castle. And the place where it all went down. I remember it all Granger, I guess your boyfriend's memory charm didn't work, nor did his killing curse." He sneered.

My heart was beating so fast that I could feel it all over my body.

"You tried to kill me Riddle, he had a reason." I whispered.

"Ah yes, I tried to kill you, and I showed you what filth you really were. Shame it didn't work." Voldemort chuckled wickedly.

"Riddle, you said you loved me, not properly, but still a little. Please just let Draco and I go, and we'll never come near you." I whimpered, looking down at Draco who was still paralysed.

"You call that begging? Pathetic. I don't know what the word love means anymore, but I do have a strange fondness of you. So I'm going to kill you with just a killing curse, and nothing more." Voldemort grinned maliciously.

"No you don't Riddle." A voice yelled from the top of the stairs.

There stood Harry Potter, wand in his hand, staring down at us.

"Malfoy, take Hermione and run." He yelled to Draco, who I didn't even realise was moving again.

"Do you need help Potter?" Draco asked.

"No, just take her and run, now!" Harry shouted as he shouted an expelliarmus, the red jet of light colliding with Voldemort's green killing curse.

Draco ran towards me and picked me up, running towards the great hall.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, putting me down once we were close to the hall.

I stared into his silver orbs and crumpled in his arms, fear and grief consuming me.

"Hermione." Draco breathed.

I jumped up on him, wrapping my legs around him, and kissed him hard. He kissed me back with the same amount of passion and love, the both of us ignoring everyone around us.

He pulled back and gazed into my eyes, before placing me on my feet again.

"Now, I know this may not be the best time for this, but to me I think it's good. Anyway," Draco blurted, pulling out a velvet box out of his pocket, a few smudges of dirt on it, his suit still on, and knelt down on one knee. "Hermione, you mean the world to me, and I know we've only been dating for a couple of years, and two crazy years they've been, but I love you so damn much. I want us to be together for the rest of our lives, and have little Malfoy's running around. So Hermione, will you make my life perfect, and marry me?"

I put my hand over my mouth, completely oblivious to the tears that were leaking at a rapid pace, and looked around at all the people who were staring wide eyed at the both of us.

I turned my eyes back to him and nodded. "Yes." I managed to say.

Draco's eyes lit up, something that I've never seen before, but made me love him even more. He slid the ring on my finger, but as soon as it was on, he stood up and hugged me tightly, placing a kiss on my lips.

We could hear everyone around us clapping, and Ginny screaming at the top of her lungs in joy, but neither of us payed any attention to anything that wasn't each other.

"I love you Draco Malfoy." I mumbled, pulling back slightly.

"And I love you Hermione Granger." He whispered, smiling.

We pulled away from each other's embraces, looking around at everyone, who had returned to doing what they were doing before.

"And now we rebuild." I sighed to myself, holding onto Draco's, and now Ginny's hand.

I turned around and hugged the Weasley girl, then hugged Harry and Ron, all three of them saying congratulations.

"It's finally over." Ron said.

"Finally." Harry repeated.

We all walked out of the castle and stood in front of the entrance to the school, hand in hand, prepared for the next few months that would be filled with grief, but our new life of freedom.




My second book is now completed...

I actually liked writing this book, and now it's over...but oh well, there will be more books to come, and I am in the process of writing a new one.

It will be called: Remember me.
^ It is a Dramione story.

I won't be posting the actual book until it's completed, so I'm guessing a month, maybe more, maybe less, I can't be too sure. Anyway, even though I won't be posting any of the chapters, I will post the prologue so you guys can add it to your library so you know when I have actually posted the book.

Okay, back to this book..

I don't actually have that much to say about this chapter, except for the fact that I thought it would be romantic to propose on the battlefield, idk.

Thank you to everyone who has voted and added this book to their reading lists, it makes me feel so good to know that people actually liked reading this book.

I love you all xxx

mercy [dramione + tomione] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now