Chapter 11:

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Hermione's POV-

It's been a week since Draco and I broke up, and we always try to avoid each other. Crystal and I haven't spoken either, even though she is always trying to apologise to me.

"Hermione." Tom, greeted, running up to me.

"Hey." I responded.

"Follow me." He smirked.

"But we have charms now." I told him, but he just chuckled and dragged me outside.

"Hermione, I know it may be a little too soon for you, but I really want you to be mine. Why do you think I was so jealous when you and Malfoy became a thing." He smiled, an expression I would never grow tired from.

"I would like that." I grinned, leaning up and placing my lips on his.

"I've been waiting for that." He mumbled.

I just gazed up at him in return, a small smile on my lips, and I intertwined my fingers with him, pulling him towards our next class.

And as much as my mind was telling me how wrong this is, it just felt so right. Because I know he would never hurt me, not the way he is anyway.


Draco's POV-

I regret it. I regret it so fucking much, and now she won't even look at me. One simple mistake can change everything, and I miss her. I miss those brown curls and chocolate eyes. Those soft hands and pink lips.

I groaned and kicked the wall as I was the only person in the charms classroom. I could feel the corners of my eyes burning with tears, but I refused to cry.

Right then, I could hear people walking into the classroom, so I whipped my head around to see who it was. Hermione and Riddle had just walked into the classroom, their fingers interlocked, and the both of them staring at each other.

I quickly sat down at the back of the classroom before they saw I was here, and placed my head on the desk. This time I let the tears fall, but I hid them from anyone else. I didn't need people thinking I was weak. I didn't need people thinking that I'm crying over a girl. But in reality, that's exactly what I was doing, because I truly loved her, and I crushed her heart with my own stupidity.

When the tears had finally subsided, and I could feel that my cheeks had returned to their normal, pale colour, I lifted my head, finding that the class had already started. If anyone saw me, they probably assumed that I was sleeping, and I was going to keep it at that. But then I snuck a glance over at the table Hermione was sitting at, and she was staring down at her textbook, a small crease appearing on her forehead as she scanned the pages with so much concentration.

I sighed to myself and looked at the blank piece of parchment in front of me. I took another glance at Hermione, who was still reading, and dipped my quill in the ink bottle and began to write.


I really need to talk to you, please don't shut me out. Stay behind here after class finishes and wait until everyone leaves, then we'll talk. And don't bring or tell Riddle.


I stared down at the note I just wrote and folded it into a swan, bewitching it to fly over to her, and watched as she removed her eyes from the book, and unfolded the note.

I could see her body tense as she read it, tucking the note in her robe pocket when she finished, then turning around slightly so she could look at me, and gave a slight nod.

The rest of the lesson went by fairly quickly, and soon enough the classroom was emptying.

Hermione walked over to me, but stood a good distance back.

"Well make it quick Malfoy." She spat.

"Are you dating Riddle." I questioned.

She stared at me for a few seconds before turning away.

"Yes." She muttered.

"Hermione you can't date him." I blurted.

"Why the hell not?" She shouted.

"He's bad remember. He's evil in our time, you can't trust him." I cried out in desperation.

"At least he won't go sucking someone else's face off." She said darkly.


"Don't. You lost the privilege to call me that." She hissed.

"This is fucking ridiculous Granger. You don't know what your doing." I told her.

"Well if that's what you think." She shrieked.

"Yes Granger, that is what I think. Your being oblivious to the fact that he is the most feared wizard of our time." I sighed.

"I can take care of myself." She growled.

"Fine. Don't come running to me when he tries to kill you." I sneered.

"I don't count on it." She spat, storming out of the classroom.

I growled to myself and swung a punch at the wall, ignoring the sharp pain that ran through my hand, and kept on punching it, until there was blood running down my entire hand.

I sunk down onto my knees and cried for the second time that day, the blood on my knuckles slowly dripping onto the ground.


Draco's POV in this chapter is possibly the best thing I've actually written in this entire book. It just has so much of Draco's emotion in it....


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mercy [dramione + tomione] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now