Chapter 3:

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Draco's POV-

"So, you must be Tom Riddle." I stated.

"Yes, and you might be?" Riddle asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well if you were paying attention and not ogling Granger, you may of heard the headmaster say that my name was Draco Malfoy." I snapped, hating the teenage version of Riddle the same as I hate the Dark Lord now.

"Feisty one are you?" Riddle smirked.

"Oh shut up Riddle, just because you have the brain capacity of a teaspoon, you're unable to comprehend that staring at someone like that is called rude." I spat.

"I'll have you to know that I'm the smartest in every class I take." Riddle sneered.

"Is that so? Well I guess we'll see about that, Granger was always the smartest." I smirked.

"I highly doubt that." Riddle snickered.

I sneered and walked past him, and began to walk down to the dungeons when Riddle's voice stopped me.

"You seem to know where you're going Malfoy, how?" Riddle questioned with a slight smirked.

"Maybe because I actually have common sense, unlike you, that people like us would live down somewhere dark, like the dungeons?" I lied.

Riddle's face turned murderous as I turned back around to continue to proceed to the slytherin common room.

"You better watch your mouth Malfoy, or you might just not have it by tomorrow." Tom growled.

"That's great. Now, what's the password?"

"It's mudblood scum." Riddle smirked.

I couldn't help but let my lip curve up a little, actually thinking the password was alright.

"Let me guess, you hate mudbloods as much as we do?" He questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"No, I don't hate them." Riddles face turned dark. "There is no word made that expresses my hatred towards them, and blood traitors too."

Riddle's face immediately grew the smirk he always wore.

"Well, I think we just had a bad start, that's all, because I think we're going to get along splendidly."

I smirked back, but not because I was returning the gesture, but because this plan might indeed work after all.


"So come on, spit it out. What was he like?" Hermione asked eagerly, pulling me into a broom closet and locking it, placing a silencing charm on it.

"Well, we really can't tell him you're muggle-born, because he really hates mudbloods. I mean, if you thought I was bad, he is so much worse. But that's off point. He was certainly intimidating to the other students, especially the first and second years, and he claims to be the best in every class. I told him that you were better though."

"Well of course he's the best in class. Look, as much as we both hate him, especially him in our days, he is a bloody brilliant wizard, very dark and evil, but he can master spells that neither of us can barely imagine." Hermione groaned.

"Wow, you think this highly of him?" I chuckled, looking at her horrified expression.

"Oh god no. Never. Just. Oh merlin." Hermione babbled, causing me to laugh even harder.

But this laugh wasn't a fake one like I always do, this one was real, and the only people who have ever heard it was my mother and Blaise.

Hermione just looked up at me with a smile playing on her lips, and at that time, she really did look beautiful. At that time, I didn't care about what I had been brought up with and I didn't care about my hatred towards mudbloods. Because at this time, I had felt something I had never felt before, it was a whole new thing for me, and it made me want to be a little reckless and break my family's rules, just to see that face smile again.

After what seemed like hours of just staring and smiling at each other, we both snapped out of our trance, and Hermione looked away, a blush rising on her cheeks.

"Uh, there, we can uh, go now." Hermione mumbled in embarrassment, unlocking the doors of the broom cupboard.

We both stepped out, not realising that it might seem a bit peculiar as to why there were two students, especially both different genders, stepping out of a broom cupboard with flushed cheeks.

"Next time, lets take better precaution and make sure no one is around next time we emerge from a broom cupboard together." Hermione muttered into my ear.

"Agreed." I whispered back to her, a small, uncontrollable smile dancing in my lips.

Not much to say for this chapter...

So yeah....

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Love you all xxx

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