Chapter 8:

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Hermione's POV-

"So Tom, how are you?" I asked awkwardly.

"Splendid, you?"


This is possibly the worst date I've ever been on, but I still had that feeling in my stomach, no matter how hard I try, even though I am now secretly dating Draco, well..kind of.

Tom was the one who asked me in this stupid date, and I thought he was meant to be all smug, but yet here he is, only making small talk, and continuously running his hand through his black hair.

Then, a sudden topic idea came into my head.

"Tom, I've always wondered. What do you plan on becoming when you finish school?" I questioned, which made Tom jerk his head toward me.

"Not sure yet. But I want to become famous." He responded.

"Famous? How so?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I want to become a famous wizard, with lots of power. And I also want to find the elder wand." He said, lowering his voice.

"What's the elder wand?" I asked, pretending to be confused, when I had actually read about last year.

"It's only the most powerful wand in the world." He beamed.

"And what exactly do you plan on doing when you get possession of this wand?" I questioned.

"Well, we'll cross that line when we get to it, won't we Granger." He smirked.


"Okay, so he wants to seek the Elder wand"" Draco repeated.

"Yes, and he said he wants to become powerful!" I groaned.

"But there's a slight complication in his plan. No one knows where the hell this wand is, and it is only legend, so it might not even exist, it's just a matter of believing it or not." He said, pacing.

"Draco, here's where you're wrong. The wand does exist, because it's Dumbledore's wand." I whispered.

"What! You mean to tell me that our headmaster just happens to have this wand?" Draco raised his eyebrow, which did look quite gorgeous.

"Yes, and let's keep it at that. Today was exhausting, and this date thing with Riddle was horrible. This is why I'm staying with you." I chuckled.

"You know, we can just stay here forever. In this room."

"I wish we could, but our friends will start to become suspicious if we're not there." I smiled, laying down on the bed and closed my eyes.

Draco climbed onto the bed and wrapped his muscular arms around me, all his years of quidditch clearly paying off.

"Goodnight beautiful." Draco whispered in my ear, his warm breath tingling my ear.

"Goodnight handsome." I mumbled, as sleep almost immediately washed over me.


Okay, so this is a short chapter...sorry guys...

This is a filler chapter, and I put it in because I needed to have the awkward date between Tom and Hermione, where she tries to find out more about him.

I will be updating later tonight or to,or row morning though..

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Love you all xxx

mercy [dramione + tomione] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now