Chapter 9:

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Draco's POV-

Hermione and I walked to the great hall for breakfast, Hermione half-asleep from waking up only minutes ago, her nightmares keeping her awake for a good four hours last night. Her now curly, brown hair was in a messy bun, but there were heaps of strands falling out.

Hermione let out a loud yawn and wiped her eyes, nearly running into a second year whilst doing so.

"Hermione, you may want to watch where you're going." I chuckled, steering her through the crowd.

She just grumbled in return and hugged me goodbye before walking over to the gryfindor table, colliding with another girl, the both of them falling to the ground.

After everyone was seated, the headmaster walked up to the podium, and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

"Good morning everyone. Today I want to announce that there will be a Christmas ball this year. This will be a dance, so I want everyone to dress their nicest. It will be held on Christmas Eve, and this dance will be for 5th years and above. Now, eat up everyone." Dippet smiled.

I looked over at Hermione, who had her head down and appeared to be sleeping on the desk, because her friend Tanya was shaking her. Hermione abruptly sat up and looked around, turning a bright shade of pink. She caught gaze with me, giving a small smile, before turning towards her friend who looked very exited.

I smiled to myself as I ate my breakfast, definitely something I wouldn't have done 6 months ago.

"So, do you and Granger have a thing going on?" Riddle asked, sitting down next to me.

"No." Was all I said, eating a mouthful of bacon.

"What about that kiss. You guys kissed. I saw you guys kiss." He said in a low voice.

"And?" I asked rhetorically, now sipping my pumpkin juice.

"And are you going to ask her to the ball?" Riddle questioned.

This I hadn't actually thought about. I did want to go with her, but we were keeping us dating a secret. But then there was that other voice in my head, who was telling me 'fuck it'.

"Yes." I responded with a smug grin.

"Not if I beat you to it." He hissed and began running off.

I was taken aback when he began to run away like a child, but I really didn't want him to ask her first, so I jumped over my table and the hufflepuff table, receiving glares and curses in return, and I sprinted toward the gryffindor table, reaching it the same time as Riddle.

"Hermione will you go to the ball with me." We both asked, giving each other death glares, not realising that the entire hall was watching us, including the teachers.

"Uh." Was all Hermione responded with, her cheeks and neck turning the shade of Weasley's hair.

She stood up and walked toward the great halls doors, both Riddle and I following after her.

Hermione's POV-

I could feel my cheeks burning as I walked out of the great hall, every pair of eyes either on me or the two boys who I knew were following behind me.

I walked through a couple of hallways before halting, turning around to face the two boys.

"Why did you have to do that to me." I huffed, glaring at the two.

Draco actually had a look of sympathy on his face, yet Tom only had a smirk plastered across his face.

"You know, I think it will boost your popularity. Having two guys, actually, two of the hottest guys in the school, racing to get to you first, and asking you to the ball." Tom smirked.

"Don't you get it Riddle, as good as it may sound when you say it like that, it is actually very embarrassing. And heaps of girls will probably refuse to even talk to me now, because both of you have your little fan clubs, especially you Riddle." I groaned.

"Anyway, who do you choose?" Draco asked quietly.

I took a sharp breath and let my eyes flicker between the two. I debated with myself for a good three minutes, before finally speaking up.

"Draco. I choose Draco." I whispered.

Tom's smirked was wiped off his face as soon as I said it, and his face changed into one that was not far off from hatred.

"Fine." He muttered, storming off.

"Tom." I yelled, about to follow him when Draco grabbed my arm.

"Don't." I warned, which made him immediately release his soft yet firm grip on me.

I ran forward towards the direction Tom went to, leaving behind Draco.

I finally caught up with the black haired boy, who at that exact moment, punched his fist into the wall.

"Tom." I whispered.

"No. You can't just choose him and then expect to come running back to me." He spat.

"Tom, I only chose him because I've know him longer, and I'm more familiar with him." I semi-lied.

"I don't care, just stay away from me for now on." He muttered, once again storming off.

I knew it should be a good thing that he was keeping his distance, especially because the nightmares became worse as each night passed. But as I walked over to the place where he punched the wall, and touched the smudge of his blood with my forefinger, I felt heartbroken, the tears rolling down my cheeks.


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mercy [dramione + tomione] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now