Chapter 5:

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Hermione's POV-


I was counting down the minutes until it was 5:00, actually feeling slightly nervous. I glanced around, looking at a couple who were just sitting in front of the lake, snuggling into each other.

"I didn't think you would show up." A voice whispered on my ear, their breath tickling my neck.

"Neither did I Riddle." I smiled gently, turning around to face him.

"You know, as much as this will ruin my ego, I like to come here when I need to think things over. Man, I can't believe that I just told you that." Tom spoke, pinching the bridge of his nose whilst looking out at the lake.

"I think it's cool that you do that." I mumbled, looking up at the black haired boy.

Tom looked down at me and smiled, a true, genuine smile, a smile that I didn't even know the evil boy could produce. How could a boy this pure become so evil? Because he definitely isn't evil yet.

"There's something about you Hermione, but I just can't place a finger on it. You're not like the other girls who cling onto me wherever I go. No, your independent, in a good way, and you don't care what people say. Even though I've known you for only three days, I like what I know, and I want to get to know you even more." Tom said softly, keeping me under his intense glare.

"Really?" I asked, my voice barely audible.

"Really." He breathed.

I couldn't help but let a grin grow on my face, which he happily returned.

"You know Granger, you have a dimple right there." Tom chuckled, pointing to a spot on my cheek.

"Don't be ridiculous, I do not have a dimple." I huffed.

"Yes you do, don't deny it." He smirked.

"Oh shut up." I fake pouted.


"Tanya, hurry up. We're going to be late." I yelled into the locked bathroom.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Tanya groaned as she stepped out of the bathroom, walking over to her bed.

"Okay, so we have 9 minutes till potions starts, and it takes like, 7 minutes to get there, so let's get our butts moving." I demanded.

"Fine, fine." Tanya rolled her eyes as she picked up her bag and walked out of our room, dragging me with her.

We made it there with only a couple of minutes to spare, and the both of us stood with the rest of the class.

"Ah, welcome to another year of potions." A younger professor Slughorn welcomed. "Now, as every sixth year potions class starts, each one learns about a certain powerful love potion. Can anyone tell me what it might be?"

My hand shot straight up, as did Tom's, so I gave him a little smirk.

"Ah the transfer. What do you think this potion is? Miss?" Professor Slughorn smiled.

"Miss Granger sir. This potion is armortentia . Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them. For example, I smell freshly mown grass, new parchment, spearmint toothpaste, and...coconut." I stepped back, amazed at what I just smelt.

I looked over at both Tom and Draco, who were both standing next to each other, both of them staring at me with interest.

"Very good Miss Granger." Slughorn smiled, but I drowned out his voice as I tried to figure out who the smell belonged to.

"They keep on staring at you you know." Tanya whispered next to me.

"I know, I saw them before." I sighed.

"In my opinion, it's quite scary actually, it's like they're possessed or something, or maybe they're pedophiles." Tanya chuckled.

"Tay, stop staring at them and pay attention, because I'm not going to let you copy my notes." I hissed jokingly.

"Yes mum, sorry mum." Tanya groaned in annoyance, but was smiling all the same.


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mercy [dramione + tomione] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now