Chapter 12:

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Tom's POV-

Hermione and I were on top of the astronomy tower, Hermione asleep with her head in my lap. She had a few stray pieces of her curly brown hair that were fallen on her face, so I gently pushed them away.

She began to stir but rolled over onto her side, her hand managing to find mine.

I was still trying to get used to this feeling called love, but I didn't mind learning with her. I chuckled to myself, realising that if my past self was seeing this, I would hit myself over the head with a chair.

Suddenly, Hermione began thrash around a little bit, and tears started falling down her cheeks.

"Hermione." I mumbled, shaking her awake, although she remained deep in sleep, far to involved in her dream or nightmare to be pulled out.

When her tears kept on falling, and she wasn't showing any signs of waking up, I decided to view her dreams.

"Me legit animi your et ego non nocere. Me legit animi your et non nocere. Me legit animi your et salva erit." I muttered, closing my eyes as I said the spell that I invented only weeks ago, which allows you to view the thoughts and dreams of your victim.

After a couple of seconds, her dream was also being projected into my brain.

A younger version of Hermione was standing there with Malfoy, who looked young also.

"At least no one on the Gryfindor team had to buy their way in. They got it off pure talent." Hermione defended.

"Nobody asked for your opinion, you filthy little mudblood." Malfoy spat.

I was a bit surprised but watched as the scene in her mind changed.

"Boys, I think it's time we teach weasel-be how to respect his superiors." Malfoy sneered.

Hermione let out a fake laugh and stepped forward, facing Malfoy. "I hope you don't mean yourself."

"How dare you talk to me, you filthy little mudblood." He hissed.

Now something definitely wasn't right.

"And you're a mudblood, so that's 10 points from Gryfindor for that."

I was seriously considering whether or not I should wake her up, when her next vision made me freeze.

Malfoy's face kept on changing as the years went by, then it would repeat all over again. But Malfoy kept on saying that one word.

"Filthy little mudblood."

"Filthy mudblood."



"Stop making this air toxic with your dirty blood."

"Your a mudblood Granger."

I picked up Hermione and brought her to the first floor girls bathroom, walking over to the tap that had the slytherin emblem carved on it.

I spoke parseltounge to the sink, a gift that I didn't even knew was special until third year, and watched as the sink in front of me transformed into a secret entrance.

Hermione woke up from all the noise and practically jumped out of my arms.

"Don't you dare-"

"Petrificus totalus." I shouted at her, causing her body to freeze, as she just stood leaning against the wall, unable to move.

I picked her up and jumped down the dark entrance, Hermione's paralysed body never leaving my grip. I brought her down into the middle of the chamber, and took the freezing charm off her.

"Riddle, what the fuck!" She shouted angrily.

I conjured a chair and pushed her into it, and if looks could kill, I would be dead.

"Incarcerous." I muttered, brown ropes emerging from my wand and wrapping themselves around Hermione and the chair.

"Riddle, what are you doing, and why am I in the chamber of secrets?" She glared.

I stopped pacing as soon as she mentioned the chamber, surprised that she even knew about it.

"What do you know about this place?" I questioned.

"Only that there is some giant snake in here that kills muggle-borns." She said quietly.

"So let's say if I release this snake, you won't be harmed by it?" I asked with a smirk.

"No. Of course not." She gulped ever so slightly.

I pulled a small phial out of my robe and showed it to her, the smirk still on my face.

"You see this Granger. This is veritaserum. Three drops of this and you will be telling me everything I need to know." I gazed up into her scared, brown orbs.

"I really don't think that's necessary." She whispered.

"Well if you have nothing to hide, then we should get to business." I sneered, stepping towards her so I was only inches away.

"Riddle, no-"

But as soon as she opened her mouth, I poured the liquid down her throat, her expression shocked.

"Now, I have a few questions to ask you. Firstly, what school did you and Malfoy come from?" I asked.

"Hogwarts." She replied simply.

"Hogwarts eh. Then how come you two only moved here this year?"

"Because we're from the future." She replied, her eyes wide from the confession she just made.

"Why would you possibly need to go back in time for?" I continued.

"Because in our time, your the most powerful wizard there is, and you're going to ruin the entire wizarding world." She cried.

"And one last question." I said, staring deep into her chocolate orbs. "Are you a mudblood?"

Hermione looked like she was trying to fight the veritaserum, but she finally mumbled her answer, tears streaming down her face.

"Yes, I'm a mudblood."


Just making this clear, Moaning Myrtle isn't dead yet, because Tom actually hasn't opened the chamber of secrets properly yet, so yea...

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Love you all xxx

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