Chapter 13:

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Hermione's POV-

As soon as I admitted it he turned around, placing his head in his hands and groaned.

"Why. Why is it that the only person I care about is a mudblood." He said to himself.

"Tom, you can just let me go, and no one will have to know." I whispered.

"But the problem is that I know." He spat.

"Why did you even bring me down here in the first place?" I asked.

"You started crying in your sleep, so I viewed your dream. You were dreaming about Malfoy calling you a mudblood." He said quietly.

"Oh." I mumbled, looking away.

"You do realise that I can't let you out of here." Tom said.

My heart rate accelerated, and I wouldn't be surprised if he couldn't hear it.

So Riddle was going to kill me, to make sure no one else found out what I was.

"Tom, what about what we have? Were you lying when you said you loved me then?" I shouted at him.

"Oh I love you, except I don't love you enough to let you out of here alive." He sighed.

"Tom, you don't have to do this. Please." I begged.

He locked eyes with mine, and I could've sworn I saw a single tear drop as he removed the ropes from around me. I thought he was actually going to let me go when he pointed his wand at me.

"I'm sorry. It's been good." He mumbled.


"Avada Kedavra." He muttered.

I saw the green light spit out from his wand, so I quickly got up and sprinted out of the way, the curse flying only millimetres from my ear.

"I was going to make it fast for you Granger, but if you want to play it your way, then go ahead." He hissed.

He muttered a spell and it hit me in my stomach, and at first I felt nothing, then I felt it all at once. Knifes, and hundreds of them, fire and acid, they were what I felt. I figured he must of threw a crucio at me, but when I looked down at my body, I knew it couldn't be.

Blood was seeping out from my legs and arms, and there on my right arm was the word mudblood. I couldn't stop screaming out in pain, thinking about how I should've listened to Draco. I took a glance over at Tom who was grinning mischievously, and I could feel a new set of tears, this time not from pain, but from heartbreak.

The blood around me was increasing, and soon I was lying in a huge puddle, and I could feel my vision faltering. I was surprised I was even conscious, with the amount of energy I was using sobbing and screaming.

My eyelids started to droop and I could scream no more. I tried to keep them open, picturing Draco's face, but that only made the reality feel more real, and I could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness.

Draco's POV-

The girls bathroom, that's where I was heading. It was rumoured that the only person who goes in there is Myrtle, and no one else does because Myrtle was always crying there. So that's where I was running to, because it's the only place I could cry in peace without anyone there to see.

I finally reached it and walked in, making sure no one saw me, and stopped mid-track when I saw that the entire sink in front of me was no longer a sink.

That's when I heard it, a high pitched, desperate scream. The person screamed out again, and I noticed the sobs that followed after each one sounded awfully similar. It then hit me. They were Hermione's screams.

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