Chap. 4.4

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All of a sudden, the door opens. It is he again. I never expect that evil things will come to visit me.

“What are you doing here?” I ask curiously. “You should be in your celebration now. I don’t need you”

“Hey, hey, hey,” he smiles. Gosh. I hate seeing him smile again. I hate it. “Your father agrees that I will bet the one who will take care of you now”

“What did you say? Carlo agrees with you. This is a crap. He shouldn’t be,” he shut my mouth with his finger. He sits beside me and wants to tease me with his cherry red lips.

“There is nothing you have to worry, sweetheart. I am here”

I could not take it much longer. I spank him so hardly that my palm marks on his cheeks. My hand shakes when I see him turn mad. He is like a monster. I see his fist tightens. I see the way he bits his lips. He turns red. I go up to go away from him but suddenly stand up.

“I am sorry, Dwight. I never meant to do it. You are turning yourself into a maniac if you do that,” I utter while letting him understand.

“You do not want any trouble but you start it. Now, you cannot get away with me”

I am stuck on a ceiling while he is getting nearer into me. I hide my fist so that I can reserve it in my attack mode. I look outside the window but there is no one outside. I look at him fearfully. I think he wants to eat me. I think he want to own me in that manner. I do not want to lose my virginity.

“Dwight, please,” I beg him.

“I will not touch you,” he starts to approach slightly closer. He pulls me in back to my bed. I keep on shouting, feeling that I am rape. I spank him and punch his chest repeatedly so that he will set me free. At that time, I never expect his apprehension.

“You should not get yourself in too much stress because it is bad for you,” he says.

“Why you act like so worried about me? We are over and you know it. You hated me as much as I do. You must have fun with your friends at the party. You must leave. I do not need you,” I keep on talking. I can see that he ceases on listening to me. He only prepares some ice bags for me. I just stop my mouth from nattering.

The daylight starts to move a little higher and I am feeling a slight dizzy.

He is still here. He never leaves my side.

“I know your mom will be worried of you if you will be like this for a very long time. I do not want her to worry for you so I am the one who takes in charge for a short time until you get well”

I do not know what to reply. He is acting well to me.

“Why you are doing this?”

“I regret hurting my friends sometimes especially us, we are just close friends. I could not speak even speak to you a single word of apology while we are in the hospital because I know that it is hard for you to accept. I just cannot control my inner temper. I feel like guilty without letting you know about this. Last night, it was not my intention to hurt you but I am only concern of them. I begin to het myself from doing that to you. It is so hard to pretend that I still hate you”

For that moment, I feel like heaven-bound with a halo on top of my head. I think that I am posses by an angel, a very handsome angel. Every time he gazes at me, the smile he manifests is the key to my happiness. Even if I hated him so much before but I am feel fine when he own up to me all of his faults. This is the first time that the confession is clear. I know that he also forgives me from all the things I did to him.

“There are things that you must know, Dwight,” I say. “I don’t know if I can say all of this to you”

“What is it?” he answers while placing the ice bag on my forehead.

“I know I made my greatest mistake of you at the past. I know that it is hard to forgive someone who brought you down. Dwight, have you already forgiven me from the things I’ve done to you?”

He takes three seconds to answer me back. He is confuse of what he replies to my question. I can see through his sparkling eyes the complicatedness of responding a word to my query. I take a deep breath and look straight, seeing nothing at the ceiling. I think about my brother and the things that would make him happy. If loving this person back will make him happy, then I should take now the risk not to make him sad once more. I look at him again, seeing his hands crawling slowly towards mine. He holds it tightly.

He grasps then sighs.

“I forgive you. There are things that we must accept and forget. I already diminish the past so I can have a better life now”

I bend slowly to sit on the bed and he only let me do it. I get my hand off him and touch his face. I can read ever details on his face. I know that possibilities are getting closer to us. There is no need for us to wait because it is clearer and clearer to see that we both need each other.

“Sometimes, what I said is real. If you could remember what I said to you in the hospital, all of those are real. I do not need to lie anymore because actually, moving on is not my priority in life. My life is not the same without you there. I am happy now that you are married with someone else. I am so late to tell you the words of congratulations”

He glances at me in a serious manner.

He touches my hand that still stuck on his face and gets it away. I am starting to feel afraid when stands up and digs up something from his pocket. It is only a wallet and a key chain. Then, he sits beside me and shows me something memorable to him.

 “I know who told you about that,” he stares at me in strong intensity. I feel the pull of gravity headed for him. His eyes take me closer to him.

“I am sorry if,” I gap.

“You don’t have to squander any one word admitting that you know all about my marriage. You are getting curious about me, aren’t you?”

He is teasing me as if I have to say something about my curiosity for him. I keep on thinking about the answers that I should say. Maybe I should say Yes or No. In fact, I have the freedom to ask. Everyone has the freedom to ask. I start to tight my fist and I am ready to what will be his reaction.

“No, who are you to become my target? The only thing that I can get curious is about your family. I mean,” I turn my face away for a moment then come back. “I mean that I am only curious about your family with Carla. That picture in your wallet is Carla and I already know about her. She is my friend,”

He chuckles. “She doesn’t even recognize you. How come that two of you become friends?”

The conversation is starting to turn out to be serious.

“The two of us met at the bar, near the park line in NY. We only met accidentally. I was dancing at the club and I never thought that there are someone dancing at my back so when I turn around, I unintentionally hit her face with my hand. Because of it, I apologized and she accepted it. We become friends and two days after, she left to Phoenix, here,” I recount. Sweats are running now all over my body. I am getting weaker every time I exert a force when I talk with him because I feel that there is the mix of emotion and pride.

The sun goes up a little higher.

I never eat my lunch. My tummy is searching now for food.

“I do not believe in you. If the two of you are friends and why she did not invite you in our wedding day,”

“On your wedding day,” I think again. If I am her friend then I will lie to him for the second time in order to survive for the third quest. “It is because I am busy at my job in NY at that time. You know that there is much stuff to do inside the museum. In addition, I do not have any free time to go out so that is the reason that I did not come to your wedding ceremony”

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