Chap. 1.3

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“One ticket please,” I say. The woman inside gives me a ticket to Phoenix without knowing that I did not pay it. There are too many people align next to me so I keep my mouth shut and run away again. Surely, no one predicts my escape. I am confident while entering the train. The guard blocks his hand in front of me while I am going inside the door. I lean him my ticket but he still blocking my way. I am turning mad for every passing second that he keeps standing in front of me. I know that only his uniform will known him as assigned guard but not in the way he acts. It is so miserable, like I am going to kill someone.

“Excuse, may I come in now?” I ask but he never answers me.

“Hello, are you nuts? Can I go now?” I push myself to the entrance until a man helps me from being stuck.

“Hey, guard, she is mine. I am with her,” he utters. I am speechless and feel like I have nothing to say for what he says to the guard. The person pulls me in, I am forceless, and I just let myself be with him.

This is it. Here we are.

I am in his hands for a couple of minutes and set me free. He only stands in front of me while he offers me the only vacant seat. He is quite a good man. He is also cute and adorable. I think that person has a girlfriend now. It is so unbelievable if he will answer NO.

He only reacts when I keep staring at him.

“What is the problem?” he asks.

“Nothing,” I respond. “May I know you?”

“My name is Emmanuel,” he answers. “Emanuel Rose”

“Nice meeting you Emmanuel, by the way, I am Katrina Perez. I live in Phoenix with my family and I work here in New York”

The train starts to move now and all of the passengers are already place inside. I watch outside the window, seeing those stranded peoples waiting for their turn. I only turn my sight away from them knowing that I made a mistake. I never pay the ticket but it feels good also because I never spend any money for that. I hope I can do the same soon. After that, my only innuendo to myself, I will pay my credits unless I have more money left to my pocket. The only way that I know is to pursue being an honest individual (If I can) to all the citizens around me.

I gaze at him and he does the same too.

“Where do you live now, Emmanuel?" I ask, keeping my face clear in contentment. It is not comfortable sitting forcedly in this tight seat. I feel breathless all the time that train stops. It flattens me like a sheet of paper.

“I am living in Phoenix too. I have my grandparents there. My job is in L.A. but I travel here in New York because of something,” he pauses. I do not know what that thing he is focusing now but I think it is a bit interesting for me. Men keep secrets that are less motivating to women but not me, he is convincing. Every time his face changes mood, I know he thinks deeper and deeper.

“Thank you very much for helping me,” I say my gratitude again.

“It is okay for me. I like helping people anytime”

“You’re so nice,” I admire. “I am so lucky I know such person like you”

“Also me, I hope that we can see each other again there soon” he pauses then beams.

The train beeps and it indicates the last station. I know that the last station is in Phoenix so I must ready myself to go. As I fixing my lasso of my heels, Emmanuel chuckles. I sense a gradual irritation of him.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Your laces, they are so unique”

“What do you mean?”

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