Chap. 8.2

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“Dwight, can you stay with me tonight?” I ask him. He never nods his head so I know what his answer is. I can hardly hear mom’s voice inside because of a strange and annoying sound I always hear when he is near with me. I stare at him.

“Katrina, I will come back here tomorrow and visit you for a while. Please don’t worry about it anymore because I will always visit you daily and it is just,” he stops. My dad comes out of the door and calls my name.

“Katrina, is that you?”

“Yes dad,” I answer.

Dwight looks again at me and bows his head towards mine. I am thinking suddenly of a goodbye kiss. No, not a goodbye kisses but a sad farewell kiss. Even though I have to tell him the truth, I am bothered now by my own anxieties. I don’t feel comfortable. I don’t feel calmness within me. I thought that after this date, I will be contented of what I am now with him but I am mistaken. I am really mistaken. I hold his hands before he starts to leave. I whisper something unto him.

“Please tell me what’s going on?” I ask him. Carlo is still calling my name.

“I can’t tell you Katrina, I can’t. I am sorry,”

“But,” I suddenly stop when he give me a kiss unto my left cheeks. I am petrified for a moment. “See you tomorrow Katrina”

As he going away from me, all I can remember is our first unfinished date. It is the first date, I mean, the first serious date with him. Now, I am puzzled. I need to solve this puzzle. I need to know what the main reason behind his strange acts is.

On that night, I can’t sleep well. I am still bound with his presence. I can’t erase him unto my memory. He is a sort of a thing that is already encoded unto my head. I remember the first day I met him. The second time he tries to save me and the third time that he offers me his heart again. All of those are just a flash like a wink of an eye. Every time I close my eyes, he is there. I can feel him but when I open it, it is just an illusive thing. Sometimes, I think about him to be an immortal thing. I mean like vampire things or wizardry. I cannot indict him as a person like that. I need time to investigate. I need a time to think it over.

I can’t sleep.

I stand up from my bed and go down to the living room. I sit down the sofa but later on, I feel bored. Thus, I go to the kitchen and make some foods for me (oh, I need midnight snacks... I love to make it during the late hours of my life), after that, go back to the living room and watches television shows. When I switch it on, frightening news strikes me again. It is the killing that spread over the different parts of Phoenix.

Killings, killings in Phoenix,

It is so impossible to believe that the greatest murderer from New York will travel towards here just to find another victim. If he does have enough money to travel back and forth, he can does killing anytime he wants but in this case, it is so different. I need to write it again unto my notebook just to continue what I’ve already started there in New York. I run towards my room and search for my pen and notebook. As I am searching for it, I remember something. I do remember the time when Dwight sees the notebook with my secrets. He is so angry at that time so he tears it and throws it away.

“No, it can’t be,” I tell myself.

 The sound of the wind that passes through my window irritates my ear. I can hear the sound of footsteps outside. I slowly walk through my window and sneak out. My feet start to tremble simultaneously. Suddenly, I hear knocks at our front door. It is strange at that time because it is quite midnight. The moon is still at its highest position and all of my neighbours are sleeping. The knocks continue.

I go downstairs and pick up some rod on our kitchen then walk slowly towards the door. I can feel bad aura that surrounds me. It is a very bad vibes this time. I can heed the sound of the ticking clock.

“Who is there?” I ask while holding the doorknob that is lock. However, no one answers me. I am starting to feel nervous because he continuously knocks at our door.

“Who is there?”

I have nothing to do and there are no choices to make. I need to open the door and to see who that person behind our door is. I am unlocking it. This is the moment of truth.

“Hi,” his voice prompts me.

“It…...” I pause. “It’s you, Dwight. Why do you come here at this time?”

“You said to me lately that I will come back here for you so here I am. By the way, Sam told me that you and I will be going to a party tomorrow at our old school,” he says.

“Old school,” I utter. “It sounds familiar.”

“I know you can still remember it,” he smiles. When I see his curved lips, I can see sparkling dusts and rainbows that surround him. I am starting to be suffocated and to be hypnotized by his beauty.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“Ha,” I urgently reply. “I am fine, real fine”

“You are so cute when you smile,” he says. Oh my gush, is this real? He tells me that I am cute when I smile. It is so exaggerate to hear it.

“Let’s go to my bedroom,”

We go up to my room and begin talking about a specific topic. I open first with Carla for the second time. I want to know who is that girl really is. Dwight is standing at the ceiling beside the open window. He is looking at me. His brown eyes make me feel out of control.

“Can you sit here beside me?” I ask him.

“Why are you still asking about her?”

“Is there a problem? I just want to know who she is,” I tell him. He stares at me strangely then sits beside me. I am position to his right side facing him while he sitting silently in his position facing north.

“I hope you can consider my part. I don’t want about her anymore. All I am concern now is you,”

“Then, if you are truly concern of me, you must share me things that I don’t know,” I say.

“There was a part of her that was related to you. It is her appearance. When you leave me, I can’t just force myself to stop you”

“If you love me then you will,” I speak. He looks at me.

“I know. I know that I can stop you at that time but loving you makes it harder to do. You are the only thing that our creator has been given to me. From the time I met you until now, I feel like my world is just turning around you. Years never count that long but without your presence feels like decades going down to centuries, Katrina. Carla is just a reflection of your image. She is a remake of you here while you are in New York. There is nothing that you must be jealous of,”

“I am not jealous. I am just asking about her,” I reply. He bows down his head.

The evening seems to be a good time for talking. We are still talking about our past life and our conversation ends up until dawn. He is still there beside me. We lay down the bed together and I hug him tight.

“Can I have you here for a moment, Dwight?” I ask him.

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