Chapter Forty - Three

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I take deep breaths as I'm lead to the three circles of fire. One of them disappears, revealing Elena in the center of it. She gives me a look of surprise as I make my way to her.

"Into the circle, love," Klaus instructs just as I enter. The flames grow again, trapping me with my twin.

"Gabby," she sighs in relief before pulling me into a hug. I manage to slide my backpack onto the ground before hugging her back.

She pulls away before looking at the circle beside us. In the middle lays an unconscious Aunt Jenna. I look back at Klaus who's currently talking to a woman I didn't see when we walked here. She stands in front of a pedestal with a bowl on top. Witch.

"What the hell is she doing here?" I snap loudly. He ignores me. I look back at Elena, who's watching Jenna with tears running down her cheeks.

"She's a vampire," the witch suddenly chimes with a chuckle and a smirk. I look back at her with a glare.

"Come a little closer and say that to my face." I growl. "Because I think I misheard you. Jenna is not a vampire."

"It's true." But it isn't Elena's voice. This time it it's Jenna's. Jenna looks at me with a sad smile before slowly standing up. "Katherine pretended to be Elena when she called me. I was leaving to come get you and all I remember is Klaus being there, feeding me his blood...then everything goes dark."

I'm fuming in silence. I take the chance to look around at my surroundings. We're in a big clear area next to a lake of water.

"Where are we?"

"The quarry," Elena explains softly.

"It's time," the witch snaps, "get in your places."

"Screw you," I snap, taking a step toward the circle edge. The flames rise, nearly burning me in the process. The witch laughs.

"Don't bother trying to get out, I put a spell on the circle."

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

"Please, Greta," Elena pleads, "let Jenna go." Wait, Greta? As in the sister who was "captured" by Klaus?

"Klaus chose her," Greta replies. Speaking of, the Original seems to have disappeared.

I notice Jenna's mouth is covered in blood. "How are you feeling?" I ask her, trying to remain calm for her.

"Myself," she pants out, "Only not. Everything is brighter. The fire is hotter. Part of me is terrified, but there's another part that feels nothing."

"Vampires can turn off the part that's human," Elena explains, "That's the part that hurts."

"I'm gonna die...aren't I?" Jenna asks, about to cry as well.

"No!" I snap without hesitation, "We're not letting that happen."

I hear screams of pain and agony nearby. "Who is that?" Jenna asks, looking past her circle.

"Must be the werewolf." Elena answers.

Klaus returns, shoving Jules onto the ground. Greta lights the circle of flames. "Oh no, it's Jules. Now she's going to die." I remark, sarcastically. I honestly don't care if Jules dies. She almost killed me.

"What' me?" Jules groans out.

"I cast a spell to slow down your transformation. Your insides are trying to tear free," Greta explains with a sadistic smirk.

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