Chapter Twenty - Nine

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    "I don't understand," Damon admits with confusion. I raise an eyebrow at him before snuggling closer to him on the amazingly comfortable couch. Supernatural plays on the television in front of us.

    "How are you confused?" I ask with a small chuckle.

    "What's the show about?" he asks, raising his arms a little for emphasize. "Two dudes who fight ghosts?" I gasp and sit up before playfully slapping his arm.

    "Supernatural is not just about ghosts! It's about demons, Angels, vampires, and spirits: not ghosts," I correct. I made him watch Supernatural with me. We started at season one because he would be totally lost right now if we didn't.

    "What's the difference?" he scoffs, "Spirits are basically ghosts." He gestures to the tv dramatically, "The vampires aren't realistic at all. Seriously, they have, like, a million fangs. Real ones only have two. And that guy Dean, who you think is so hot, obviously isn't.". Oh no he didn't.

    I get off the couch. "You dare defy Dean's hotness?!" I demand.

    "Like I said, he isn't hot," he continues, making my eyes widen, "And Sam looks like a kid."

    "Dean Winchester, is the hottest man alive; I would be honored to die in his presence."

    "Hey!" he pouts, pulling me back to him. "What about me?"

    "I said Dean is the hottest, not the sexiest." His fake pout turns into a cocky smirk.

    "I am pretty sexy," he gloats, making me roll my eyes.

    "Cockiness isn't as sexy as you think," I retort small smirk. I pause the tv before getting off the couch again. He groans in protest.

    "Where are you going?" Damon calls out.

    "A girl needs some strawberry ice cream when it comes to Supernatural. I'm going to go buy a tub of ice cream." I command. As I walk away, I hear the show resume, causing me to give a small grin.


    "What happened?" Stefan and I ask in unison as we enter his house. I I'm holding the tub of strawberry ice cream in my hand. Damon called me earlier saying to come back ASAP. I still bought my ice cream though.

    Caroline sighs. "Go ahead, tell them what you told me," Damon allows, switching his gaze between Stefan and me. "You're going to love this."

    "I saw Katherine today," Caroline starts.

    "Where?" Stefan asks immediately.

    "At the Grill. I just stopped by to gawk...quasi-stalk Matt," Caroline admits. I accidentally let a snort causing her to glare at me. I ignore it and open my tub of strawberry ice cream. I use the plastic spoon I bought to eat it.

    "Skip the teen drama and get to it," Damon commands, obviously bored.

    "Then, I had to pretend to use the bathroom, even though I didn't really have to go because I'm a doofus, and Katherine came in, pretending to be Elena and started talking to me. I tried to run off but she stopped me." she takes a deep breath, "She said I have to deliver a message to you guys." I take another bite of my ice cream. Mmmm. Yummy.

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