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"no, calum. i refuse to name one of our children that."

"why?! it's a great name, you just don't know a good name when you hear one. that's your problem, lucas. don't hate on me like that." calum retorted.

"oh, please, don't question my taste. our daughter will not be named fucking arzaylea," luke said, laughing. "I know we agreed on picking unique names, but that one's a bit too unique."

"alright, alright," calum said, holding his hands up in surrender. "you're probably right. do you have any suggestions then?"

"as a matter of fact, i do." luke smirked as he pulled out his phone and went into his notes where he kept an ever-expanding list of baby names that he either came up with or came across somehow. he knew it would come in handy at some point.

"well then let's hear them, blondie." calum chuckled, which of course made luke laugh, too.

"alright, so i've got baylee, always thought that was a nice one. serena, marley, ryan, ayla-"

"that one," calum interjected. "ayla, i love that."

luke smiled widely and his eyes nearly popped out of his head in excitement and enthusiasm. "really?!" he squeaked.

"yes, really," calum said, still laughing at luke's reaction. "it's the perfect name for a perfect baby girl."

"you're such a dad," luke giggled. "but we still have another baby to name, dear."

"right, okay, what about," he said before pausing for a moment to think, "charlie?" calum suggested.

luke didn't even have to say anything, as his disgusted facial expression said it all, but he shook his head no anyways.

"not a chance."

"emerson?" the older boy stated, though it sounded more like a question once the word rolled off his tongue. "i, for one, think it's pretty cute." he said, flashing like a smile.

"yeah," luke began. "yeah, i like that one a lot." really, he loved it. he thought it would sound perfect with either of their last names, and it only excited him more. he grew more and more impatient to meet his babies with every passing day. their bond was constantly growing bigger and though he hated most of the not-so-positive things that came hand in hand with pregnancy, it made it worth it knowing that he would be rewarded with two beautiful little girls at the end of it all, and those two positives were enough to outweigh the negatives.

"do you like it enough to name our daughter that or...?" calum trailed off.

luke giggled his adorable giggle and nodded his head. "yes, calum. enough to name our daughter that."

calum lips turned up into a huge grin that stretched from ear to ear, and he chanted a victorious 'yes!'

"nerd." luke said slightly under his breath, though he was smiling, too, despite him biting his lip to try to hide it. he wasn't fooling anyone, though, especially not his boyfriend.

calum pulled the younger boy into his lap and peppered his face with sweet kisses, making luke scrunch his face up. calum loved it when he did that. he looked like a little puppy and it made calum's heart soar.

"you know," calum began, his voice soft and low, "i'm really excited to be a dad...i mean, scared as hell, but really really excited," he said, his hand rubbing over luke's swelling stomach. "it's crazy how they're both just like hangin' out in there, you know?" he continued as he poked his belly.

"tell me about," luke laughed, "it feels so weird when they move around, and no matter how much they do it, i think it's always gonna feel kinda foreign. i love it, though. it lets me know they're healthy, and that's all i really care about." luke said, smiling subconsciously as he stared at his tummy. "actually, they move around a lot more when you're around...it's the strangest thing ever. i don't know whether it your voice, your touch, maybe even just your presence, but either way, they love you already, babe."

calum's face lit up at that statement, and he didn't know why, but felt like crying. maybe it was the overwhelming amount of love he had for those two babies and the boy carrying them. maybe it was because he was finally at a good point in his life -- quite possibly the best, if he was being honest -- and it felt so damn good to have at least some kind of stability and consistency in his life.

in hindsight, he knew he was much better off as he is now compared to who he was a few months ago. he never pictured himself changing his ways for anyone or anything, nor did anyone else, but now that he had one, going on three beautiful souls to take care of, he was more than grateful to have finally opened his eyes,

and he couldn't be happier.

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sorry it took me so long to update lol ive been so busy and stressed )-: plus ive been lacking good ideas for my books

anyways, hope ur all doin well!!! ur all very beautiful ppl n i love ya


thoughts on calum's transformation?

thoughts on the names luke n cal chose for the tiny bbs?

thoughts on the chapter in general?

pls vote n comment!!! it means the world to me

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