thirteen. +

833 56 17

luke's eight month was quite possibly the worst of them all. he was achy and miserable and overly emotional and exhausted in every way possible, but most of all, luke was horny.

luke was constantly trying to persuade calum into performing some form of sexual act, and though he was always reluctant, calum's inability to say no to luke always made him give in to the needy blonde.

they were never able to do much, as luke's belly was, well...huge at this point. it made the blonde insecure, even when calum would praise it and talk it up like it was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. it wasn't like he was lying, though, because he really did think that. whether luke was his usual petite self or twenty-five pounds heavier and pregnant, calum thought he was the most breathtakingly beautiful person on earth. even in the mornings when luke wakes up with horrible bed head and morning breath. even when he's hysterically crying over a puppy commercial because "they're just so cute and tiny." he thinks luke's especially beautiful when he's laughing, though. god, when he laughs, his already sparkling eyes seem to get even brighter. the sound of his laugh is angelic, like music to his ears. and calum's favorite part: the way he curls himself into people when he's laughing really hard. he'll squeeze his eyes shut, grab his knees, and roll into the person next to him, and calum thinks it's the most adorable thing in the world. luke is the most adorable thing in the world.

- - - - -

"please, cal?"

"no, babe," calum began before being interrupted by a yawn, "'m tired today."

"come on, not even a blowjob?" luke whined.

the older boy sighed. "i just don't feel like it, lu, maybe later." he said, flopping facedown onto the bed next to luke.

"y-you don't think i'm pretty anymore," luke said, "i bet that's what it is."


"no, i get it, i get it, i-i'm just too fat for you to want now." luke said as tears welled up in his eyes and his bottom lip began to tremble.

"i never said that-"

"yeah, b-but i bet you're thinking it. i mean, who would want someone that l-looks like this?!" he cried, gesturing towards himself.

"who wouldn't, babes? your beauty is fucking mesmerizing and you know it," calum said softly, sitting up and wrapping an arm around luke's shaking body. "normally i'm down to do whatever, but this week really wore me out, y'know? as much as i'd love to fuck you right now, i'd much rather give you some love."

"i want to kiss your pretty lips," calum said as he pecked luke's lips.

"and cuddle the hell out of your tiny body,"

"i-it's not tiny, cal-" luke sniffled, interrupting the older boy.

"hush, lu, it's beautiful. everything about it embodies pure gorgeousness, everything," calum said, "i swear, you're always forgetting that your body is housing and nurturing two little humans, my dear. two tiny babies that need all the love and care they can get, and you're doing that for them, and you're doing an amazing job, if i do say so myself," the older boy said, pulling luke's body closer to his own, "the point is, your body is gonna change - it's inevitable - but that doesn't mean it's changing in a bad way. you're the one making it seem like that, babe. i just wish you could see how beautiful you look from everyone else's eyes, because damn, it's one hell of a sight. i know you think you're kinda heavy-"

"more than kinda heavy, cal-"

"ok, jeez, you interrupt me more than a little kid, lucas," calum said, causing luke to laugh loudly. calum couldn't get enough of the sound as his lips spread into a huge grin. "the point is, the longer you take to realize that getting heavier is all part of the process, and that it only means you're keeping yourself and our babies healthy, the more brutal you're going to be towards yourself. it's okay to love yourself like this, baby, you should love yourself. but if you really can't get past it, just know that i think it's hot as hell. plus once they're born, the weight'll be gone after a while. i don't love you for your body, i love you for you, even if that means you have some baby weight or stretch marks or whatever, okay?"

"jesus, cal, why the fuck do you always have to make me cry," luke said laughing as he wiped tears from his eyes.

calum laughed, too, and brought his thumb to luke's cheek to dry the tears. "sorry, babes, never my intention, i just want you to know your own worth. you owe that to yourself."

luke nodded his head in agreement, rubbing his hands over his protruding belly. part of his skin was showing where he couldn't get his tee to reach, despite his many attempts to pull it down farther. "it's not that i hate myself, i just hate that i'm not what i used to be, you know?" luke began, sighing at the end. "like, i spent so long trying to gain confidence in myself, and once i finally got it, i got pregnant. with twins. it wasn't something i was ready for, mentally or physically, and i don't know, i guess just the whole body image part is what really gets me. i love the feeling of actually being pregnant -carrying them around and feeling them move and kick - it's all great and it's amazing, but i just get scared about what other people think. i've always been horrible with that. i get so hung up on that and it just really fucking sucks."

"i get that, i know it sucks, but it's even worse when you believe it, yourself. you just can't do it. fuck other people, your opinion is the only one that actually matters in the end. positivity is the key." calum said, pecking luke's lips.

they pulled apart after a few moments and stared at each other fondly.

"i love you so much," luke said softly, breaking the silence, "let's go to sleep, sorry for being a drama queen like always. these fucking pregnancy hormones make me so sensitive to everything, i can't wait for it to be over so i can go back to normal and not cry over everything."

calum laughed. "i love you, too. let's get you comfy, yeah?"

luke nodded, and with that, calum untangled himself from the blonde and walked over to his side of the bed, helping him lay down and get comfortable. they had a routine by this point; calum would surround luke with pillows, propping a few behind his back, one under his belly, one between his legs, and two under his head. it was a lot, but he needed it, and calum was happy to help in any way he could. once luke was all tucked in, calum's stomach pressed up against his back, sleep just about to wash over the two of them, luke sighed loudly.



"i have to pee."

- - - - -

lol this is dumb but hopefully it was kinda cute.

cal is so sweet and sappy i LOVE IT!!! if i don't get me a man like him i'll be sad as hell. he has so much to offer and gives luke everything he can and i just love him for it (':

hope you guys liked this!! pls vote and comment (-:

tell me what u think!!! don't be silent, I wanna know what you have to say!

much love,
alex () *

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