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calum woke up in the middle of the night to the soft and muffled sound of luke crying into his pillow beside him. at first, calum didn't say a word, he just wrapped his arms around luke's body and pulled him into his chest. he kissed luke's hair and nuzzled his face into his messy locks that were sticking up in all kinds of different directions.

he still looked beautiful, though.

luke always looked beautiful, whether he was all smiles and giggly and the literal embodiment of happiness, or puffy eyed with tear stained cheeks and a pout on his lips (though calum always preferred happy luke). the fact of the matter was that calum saw nothing but beauty when he looked at the petite boy that he was cradling in his arms. he was really in love with luke, and for once, he finally felt like he was doing something right in his life. luke was that something right. the babies resting in his belly were two rights, as well.

"cal," luke whined. it sounded like luke was trying to stop his tears, and it almost worked, but he choked out a sob, and the tears continued falling at an even more rapid speed. "calum, i'm so scared."

"how come, babes?"

"i'm n-not ready to be a dad. i-i'm just not. i'm twenty-one years old, cal. i can't handle t-two babies." luke sobbed.

"aw, come on, lukey. if anyone can do it, it's you," calum said in response. "i don't blame you for being scared, hell, i am, too. raising two kids at once is a lot for anyone to take on. but when i really think about it -- when i think about how i get to do it all with you, it stops being all that scary, and it excites me more than anything. look, i get where you're coming from, i totally do, but just realize that you're not once going to be alone through all of this. i know i fucked up in the past, but those days are over. even if you don't want me to be, i'll be here, supporting you and the girls," calum said, rubbing luke's now seven-and-a-half month belly, "with all that i've got, probably throwing in some dad jokes here and there, too. luke, i love you. i really fucking love you. you don't have to be scared, baby. i promise you, i'm not going anywhere. you're stuck with me." calum said groggily. he was half asleep, but he meant every single word he breathed, and luke knew that, too, which is all that really mattered.

luke sniffled as his cries started fading. "i just want them to have really good lives -- the best we can give 'em, you know? they deserve it."

"of course, and they will. i'll do whatever it takes to make sure that happens. it's gonna be hard, i'm sure, but we can get through it."

"hard, but not impossible, right?" luke whispered.

calum smiled, kissing luke's head once again. "exactly, babe. hard, but not impossible."

the room was silent for a while and both boys radiated contentment. the only sounds that could be heard were the breaths each of them took.

"hey, cal?"


"do we have any more pillows? the girls are weighing me down into the mattress and it hurts." luke said, groaning slightly.

"my poor baby," calum said jokingly, "i'll go get some." he said as he untangled himself from luke's warm body and threw the covers off of him before wandering into the spare room and grabbing two pillows to bring back.

"alright, lift your pretty lil tum for a sec."

luke complied, mumbling about how 'his tum wasn't pretty or little, but he appreciated calum's gesture,' and shifted his big belly up just enough so that the older boy could place a pillow under it to alleviate some of the strain it was causing him. as soon as his belly hit the pillow, he immediately felt the much needed relief. "mmm, thanks, love."

calum laughed at his boyfriend's cuteness before placing the other pillow behind his back. he crawled back into bed and got comfortable, then placed an arm around luke, his hand sneaking under luke's tee and rubbing the stretched skin soothingly. the babies were still moving around a bit, and as much as he wanted them to rest so that luke could rest, he loved feeling them move around. they kicked every now and then, which sometimes made luke groan in slight annoyance before saying things like: "please stop that, it's bedtime, sillies." calum so wanted to make fun of him, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything. he found it more adorable than anything, so he just stayed quiet.

"i love you, too, cally. i forgot to say it before, but i really, really do. you're definitely a keeper." luke said between a yawn or two, his voice sleepy.

"i'm glad, babe. i think you're a keeper, too."

- - - - -

wow, what a chapter. I ACTUALLY EDITED THIS ONE!!! there are probably still mistakes but i tried.

btw sorry for all the fillers lol but i thought this was pretty darn cute though so hopefully it makes up for it.

update on my life: my half babies are giving me hell and i want death and pain and suffering )-: smh

anyways i love u guys (':

-alex (˘˘)

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