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"you're not in a rush to get married, right?"

"um," was all luke could say before calum continued his rambling. luke loved him dearly, but it was almost one in the morning and he was exhausted. he doesn't know why, but calum loved to talk his ear off right before he was about to go to sleep, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't interrupt his chattering with a few kisses just to try and get him to stop.

"like, it doesn't bother you that we don't really have anything planned right? or does it and you're just not telling me? fuck, im sorry, we've been so busy and i know we need to make time but-"

"calum, dear," luke interjected, struggling to keep his eyes open, "no, it doesn't bother me. we don't even need to have a proper wedding, even if we just went to fucking town hall or something, that would be more than enough for me. if you want one, that's fine, too, but if we could save ourselves from the stresses of planning a wedding, it would be easier on both of us, don't you think?"

"so you don't care?" calum asked.

"well i don't mean it in an ignorant way, you know that, i just mean that as long as i get married to you, i don't think i really care how it all goes down."

"i agree, but don't you think a wedding would be cute? even if it was just small?"

"yeah, it would be, but like i said, i don't mind how we get married as long as we do it at some point," luke said, his voice groggy and tired.

"ok, we still have time to figure it out," calum sighed contently, smiling as he kissed luke's cheek before laying back down.

luke couldn't help the smile that grew on his lips, though he was still way too tired to open his eyes. "married or not, i love you, and i have a feeling i always will. g'night, you dork," luke said softly, pulling the covers up to his face.

"love you, too, loser," calum replied, pulling the blonde closer to his chest as he closed his eyes. his cheek was resting on top of luke's messy hair, and within minutes, the two exhausted lovers fell asleep.

when luke woke up the next morning, he carefully untangled himself from calum's grasp, and quietly slipped out of bed. as much as he would have loved to sleep longer, he could hear one of his babies yelling for him. it wasn't a distressed yell, it was just how the two crazy twins told their dads they were awake. so luke got up, despite his body's efforts to tell him to get back in bed, and made his way to the nursery.

when he walked into their room, ayla was sat up in her crib playing with her babydoll.

"good morning, monkey!" luke said as he walked over to his daughter's crib.

"hi, daddy," she giggled, tucking her doll underneath her arm as she reached up for him to pick her up.

luke obliged happily, immediately pressing sweet kisses all over her chubby pink cheeks as soon as she was in his arms. ayla giggled and kicked her legs excitedly as she wrapped her tiny arms around her dad's neck.

"scratchy!" she said as she ran her hands over luke's beard. she quickly took it away, not liking the pokey feeling of it.

"sorry, baby," luke laughed, "let's go see if bee's awake." the two walked across the room to brooks' crib, and the tiny boy looked like he was just starting to wake up. he stretched his little body and yawned before his eyes fluttered open.

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