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*pls answer the questions at the end of the chapter lmao*

calum's heart dropped when he walked into his and luke's shared apartment and saw his boyfriend sobbing on the couch, a blanket draped over his large and aching body. the older boy immediately set down his belongings on the table next to the door and practically ran to luke's aid, crouching down next to him to see what had him in tears.

"lu, what's wrong? why're you crying, hm?"

all luke could do was let out pained noises as he rubbed over his tummy and cried.

"use your words, baby. what is it?"

"h-hurts," luke sobbed, his eyes clenched shut in pain, his hands cradling his massive nine-month bump.

"what? are the twins coming? why didn't you call me? i told you that if you needed somethi-"

"please," luke breathed, "please, c-can we just go to the hospital? it hurts so much, cal." the blonde whimpered.

"y-yeah, 'course, do we have a bag ready or..."

"mhm," luke said before groaning, the pain unbearably prominent and ripping through his body, he gripped calum's hand and squeezed it harshly, "i-it's in your car," he managed to get out after a few sharp, pained breaths.

"right," calum said with a nod of his head, "well, let's go then, yeah?" he reached his hands out to luke, gesturing for him to hold them so he could help the blonde up.

luke hissed in pain as soon as he moved to get up. "fuck!" he yelped, his eyes screwed shut and his face scrunched up in discomfort, "cal, i-i don't think i can walk, h-hurts too much," he whined, tears falling from his glossy blue eyes. without hesitation, calum carefully scooped luke up into his arms with relative ease.

"w-what are you doing, you're going to hurt yourself if you try to carry me, cal," luke said, concern laced within his voice.

"hush, babe, it's fine, i can carry you fine," calum assured.

luke sighed, not wanting to argue with calum. he knew how relentless his boyfriend could be at times, so he saw no point in trying to press on.

calum rushed out the door, almost forgetting his keys as he headed straight for the elevator, something he rarely used because of its well known unreliability. he didn't want to use it, but he also didn't want to risk hurting luke or the babies during the treacherous walk down five flights of stairs.

calum sighed out of frustration as they waited for the elevator to open. it didn't take long, but calum's impatience and anticipation made it feel like forever. the ride down was fairly quick and easy, and the second the doors opened, calum went as fast as he could out of the building and towards his car. he carefully placed luke in the passenger seat and reached over him to fasten his seatbelt, quickly kissing his forehead before slamming the door and rushing to the driver's side and beginning the drive to the hospital.

both of the boys couldn't be more thankful for the fact that the hospital was only about fifteen minutes away. calum's heart broke every single time luke would scream in pain, and he would bring the hand that was gripping his tightly up to his lips, pressing a kiss to the skin in an attempt to calm the boy in some way. he felt horrible that luke had to endure so much discomfort and luke hated everything about it, but they both knew that there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and that light was finally being able to see their baby girls.

- - - - -

"i'll be right back, i'm gonna see if i can get you a wheelchair," calum said once he parked his car. he got out and practically sprinted towards the entrance while luke sat desperately  trying to distract himself from the immense pain that was surging through his body. he had a hard time wrapping his head around how the fuck two tiny beings could has him that much pain, but once again, he simply reminded himself how rewarding it would feel to hold his girls in his arms, and it made the situation at least a little bit more bearable. as soon as he saw calum running back with a nurse and a wheelchair, a slight feeling of relief washed over him. the dark-haired boy lifted him into the chair, and the three rushed back into the hospital. all kinds of mixed feelings were coursing through the soon-to-be dads as they reached luke's hospital room.

"you ready, babe?"

"not even a little bit, how 'bout you?"

"me either,"

but at the same time, the two were beyond ready. they knew that at the end of all this, they'd be holding the two tiny humans that brought them together in the first place. the two tiny humans that have been the only things (besides each other) that have been on their minds for the past nine months. the two tiny humans that they have been waiting oh-so-patiently to meet. the two tiny humans that they've spent so long preparing themselves for. it was all happening today, and while the two almost-fathers were basically terrified, they also couldn't be more excited.

they were finally going to get to meet their baby girls.

- - - - -



anyways this chapter was so fuckin lame and dumb but i honestly rly tried to make it enjoyable )':

let me know what you thought abt it though!! was it good? was it bad? did you cringe? let ya girl know!!

also pls vote and comment !!! lol


are you excited to finally meet the twins?

how do you think cal n luke will react when they first meet them?

do you think the delivery will go smoothly?

much love as always,
ur babe alex () *

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