Chapter 5

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I stood at my locker, thumbing through books. I had made little marks in their spine so I could tell which was which. Not that I really needed books. It wasn't like I could read. I found the one that said Math, and pulled it out, I held it in my arms when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Raindrop!" Jaxon said, running up to me, "You skipping class?"

"Hello Jaxon." I said, curtly. "And no. I get to get out early, because I'm blind. How about you?"

"Nope. This is my free period." He said.

"Well you should get to class, the bell will ring any second now." I said.

"Where are you heading?" He asked, ignoring my warning. Then I heard it.

The little click, that signaled the bell was coming. My eyes widened and I sprinted down the hall rushing to my math class. I just reached the door, when the shrill bell sounded. I heard it in full force. If this kept up, then I'd be deaf too!

"Dang Raindrop." I heard Jaxon again. He must have followed me. His breathing was heavy. He must have been tired by his own sprint down the halls in less than ten seconds.

"You tired, Pretty Boy?" I asked, with a smirk.

"You wish. I didn't know you could run like that!" He said, and I could tell he was smiling.

"I set the school record last year, before the Accident... I ran cross country. But now..." I trailed off, and a frown was now on my face.

"That's too bad.The best people have the rottenest luck." He said, sincerely.

"I wasn't a good person. I was drunk, and now I deserve to suffer for being so stupid. I deserve to never be able to see another sunrise. To never see the rain as it touches the ground. I deserve to live in a world of darkness. To never run cross country again. I deserve all of it. So go take your pity somewhere else." I said, looking down, trying not to cry.

"You know you're wrong." He said, lifting my chin up, so my sightless eyes would meet his.

"What does it look like?" I asked.


"The school."

"I can see the walls, which were once white, and beautiful, but are now faded with time. There are blue lockers, paint now peeling off, except in the patches they reapplied to put over the graffiti. I see students. So many students. I see girls by the water fountain gossiping about something. Two boys rough housing. Then there is you, and me." he said.

"You are really descriptive." I say, trying not to sound to impressed. Most of the time when I ask people that, they say; hallways, people, trees, sky. Simple one worded things. Do you know any words with more than one syllable? There is a little click and I smile and say, "You better get to class."

The bell rang and Jaxon mutters, "Crap." and then starts off, about halfway down the hallway he yells, "Bye Raindrop!" and he disappears. My head was swirling with what just happened, and it didn't stop even when I went into math.

. . .

'The Meter Zone'

I walked into class earlier than normal, and took a seat. Mercy grabbed my hand and started signing like a wildfire, but I wasn't really listening. Eve started to sign into my other hand and together, with all the signing, it just made my head hurt. Besides, I wasn't really in the mood.

You're not listening are you? Mercy signed, finally figuring it out.

Nope. I signed back.

What happened? She asked.

Nothing. I signed.


"Calm down girls." Mr. Meyers said, addressing our quickly moving hands. "I'm sure that you'll have plenty of time to talk later."

"Mr. Meyers we never talk to each other." I pointed out, innocently.

"Very funny Ashley. Anyways today we'll be doing something a bit different. We'll be visiting the Art kids because they made some paintings over the summer and want you guys and a few other students to see them." He said.

"Mr. Meyers. I can't see anything, so do I have to go?" I complained.

"Yes Ashley, you can still support the Art Class by showing up." He replied, and I sighed, dramatically. "Anyways let's head on out."

. . .

Art Room

I had my hand on Mercy's shoulder as she guided me through the art. Eve had her hand on my shoulder to help keep me steady. It was slightly embarrassing, when you thought about it, but then again, I never thought about it. I kept looking at the paintings and pretended I could see them. We were about half way through, according to Eve, when I felt a familiar presence.

"Hey Raindrop."  

Running Blind // DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now