Chapter 13

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"This is just so crazy it might work!" Beth exclaimed.

What had just happened was Jaxon dragged me in and Beth was waiting for Coach Smith. Beth, recognized me from last year, and knew I was blind. Therefore Jaxon had to explain his entire scheme which to me, made no sense whatsoever.

"What's so crazy it just might work?" Another voice sounded. I recognized it as Coach Smith. He always did show up at the most awkward moments.

"Jaxon thinks Ash should run with us." Beth explained.

"Ashley Hilton?" Coach Smith asked, before I suppose realizing I was in the room. I knew this was a bad idea. Why did I even try to do this?

"Yes sir." I said, trying my best to stay positive.

"I thought you couldn't... see." He said. Everyone said that though! Except maybe, Jaxon, but other than him, I was just a girl who couldn't see.

"I can't." I said, a smile forming at the corners of my lips.

"But she can still run!" Jaxon cut in. "She might be blind, but she still has both of her legs."

"A girl running blind..." Coach Smith trailed off.

"She was the fastest girl last year." Beth added, helpfully.

"Well... she can at least run with us in the mornings." Coach Smith finally decided. "But you, Mr. Augustine, will be her running aid, since this was your crazy plan."

"I won't let you down Coach." Jaxon said, then grabbed my hand and led me out of the cluttered office.

Once we were in the hallways, I screamed, with delight. Okay that might not have been the most mature thing to do, but I was so freaking excited. I had to let it out. That was the most shocking thing that had ever happened to me.

Jaxon pulled me in closer and hugged me tight. I don't really know how to explain how it felt. Warm and cozy, with his arms wrapped around me, I suppose. Then I realized how close we were and I felt my face heat up. I shook myself out of his grasp and let my eyes meet where his hopefully where.

"You know Raindrop, a victory like this, needs a celebration!" Jaxon declared as we started walking back to my class.

"Oh no!" I said, teasingly, "Not one of your celebrations!"

"What!" Jaxon said, with mock offense, "I am wounded!"

"So, what did you have in mind?" I asked.

"How about... a walk?" He asked, and I could feel he was grinning. Or at least I thought he was.

After a pause I said, "Okay." then I looked at him skeptically.

"Don't worry Raindrop, I'll see you at five okay?" He said, as we reached my classroom.

"You better be there." I warned, then knocked on the door and disappeared back into the classroom.

. . .

Jaxon showed up at 5:01, exactly, in his 'Antique' convertible. I remember he was late because the entire ride, which was pretty short, I was teasing him about how late he was, and how he should never keep a girl, this one in particular, waiting.

When we got there, Jaxon parked his car and we got out. I heard water lapping near us, but it wasn't loud like waves. I think we were near a pound or something. We walked together, our fingers locked together, so I wouldn't hit a tree, which I almost did, no thanks to Jaxon.

As we walked, we talked too. Mostly about random things, like family, friends, running, and other things that were important to us. After about twenty minutes of walking, Jaxon led me to a where he had a picnic set up.

"A picnic by a lake?" I asked, "You know how cliche this is right?"

"I read it in a book once. Do you really think I get all my great ideas from my head?" He said, teasingly. I just rolled my eyes and ate as slowly as I possibly could. I wanted this to last forever, if that's even possible.

However the sun still set and I still got cold. We walked back to the car, and Jaxon rolled the top up. I could tell because of the terrible screeching sound it made when he pressed the little button. We drove to my house listening to the radio, knowing we'd remember this night forever.  


Hello guys, I've finally updated, so yay! If you don't know already, I've been in a bit of a writer's block. I have also been busy editing my stories up in case I do enter something in the Wattys. What do you guys think? Should I enter Running Blind in the 2016 Wattys? Remember to vote and comment! BYA!!!

PS) Thanks for the over 500 views and 100 votes! YOU GUYS ARE THE BESTEST PPL EVAH!!!!!

Special Thanks to nerdyhorze for giving me advice on how to get out of a writer's block! Your amazing!

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