Chapter 22

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As I walked into my science class after waving what I thought was a goodbye to Jaxon, I quickly wove my way through the classroom's confusing desk patterns, that the teacher liked to change every few weeks. Unlike most of the other classes my science class had large black desks that resembled the ones you'd use to do experiments on. Each desk could sit two people, and luckily for me, Mercy just so happened to be in this class.

I took my seat next to the already present Mercy, and began to get my carefully marked sheets of paper from my binder. A stray piece of hair drifted over my hand, and I felt myself begin to wonder, who did it belong too. In a swift motion, I yanked the hair which earned me a small yelp from Mercy, and the satisfaction of knowing whom it belonged too.

However, this satisfaction came at a price. My mind began to rush over images of the possibilities of what Mercy truly looked like. Was her hair the color of chocolate? Or perhaps the color of the golden sun? Maybe it was dark like the night sky. How about the same cherry color mine was? What about her nose, and eyes? Who was Mercy Rawson? And what in hell's name did she look like?

Swiftly I grabbed her hand, signing into her hand a message that only the two of us could understand. Can I touch your face? I signed.

Why? Mercy signed back, her soft fingers quickly grazing the top of my palm. From the soft touch, and sweet smell of coffee, it was clear she used lotion.

I want to feel, what you look like? I signed, then hesitated a bit, before adding the next part. Why don't you tell me too.

Really? Why Ashley, you''ve never asked before. I thought maybe you didn't want to know. That you liked not having to know what we looked like. Mercy signed. It seems that you really have changed in these past few weeks.

Yeah, I suppose I have. I replied, then gently moved one of my hands to her face. Her skin was not smooth but not exactly rough either. It, however, was free from the powder or stickiness of makeup.

Well to start my description of myself, I have really big nose. She signed, and my hand immediately moved to her nose, which, was in fact, not as large as she made it out to be. In fact, compared to her slightly chubby cheeks, it seem'd to fit her face perfectly. And I suppose I'm tall, but not as tall as you.

I rolled my sightless eyes at her statement, for I already knew I was tall. My long legs and thin build had been created for running. Although I wasn't as god in my earlier years, as I was now, it had taken time to grown into my tall self. Well slightly taller than all the other girls. Yet somehow Jaxon seemed to be half a head taller than me, which beyond frustrated me.

And what color is your hair? I signed, letting my hand drift to her hair. It was pulled back into a tight ponytail, with wavy tracing down her back. It was long, and slightly knotted, but I would imagine it was hard to manage.

It's blond. The color of the sun. She signed. She then froze for a moment before continuing. My eyes are blue, like the color of the sea after a storm.

And, can I ask you one more, thing I've never thought to ask before? I signed, the question hesitantly into Mercy's palm.


Could you use your voice, if you wanted to that is? I signed.

No. She replied, swiftly. Well, technically I could but it is something I promised myself I'd never do. She then froze. A vow of silence.

We continued the rest of class in an icy silence, neither of us daring to speak, after what Mercy had just revealed. So we sat and listened to the teacher drone on about Glycolysis, and how one girl said she didn't need to learn this, afterwards revealing that she planned to be a stripper after high school.

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