Chapter 30

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A long span of silence stretched between Mercy and I as we sat in the uncomfortable plastic chairs that were all our school's meager budget could scrape up to furnish the Meteor Zone. I bit the inside of my cheek, teeth gnawing on the soft flesh that would be hidden to both Mercy and Eve who surely sat staring at me. My body had gone stiff, little more than a stone statue covered by the early October frosts outside.

Then I felt it.

Mercy's hands seemed cold even in my own ice ones. Her movements were so slow and light I almost missed the words behind each letter that she signed. Finally, I was able to decipher what she had said to me. I'm ready to talk if you are, she had signed.

For a heartbeat, I couldn't move.

Then I let out a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding and shot Mercy a Jaxon worthy grin and began to laugh. My laugh was loud and pure, bouncing across the Meteor Zone's hollow core. When my laughter finally did die out, I was still grinning, stupidly, and shook my head at what was certain to have been where Mercy was sitting. "I swear," I muttered to myself, as my smile finally faded away, "that was the stupidest thing I've ever heard, especially for someone who cannot speak."

You're a bitch Ash, Mercy signed and I was almost positive that she was scowling, but there was something hidden in the way her hands moved that was different from how she had signed earlier when we had been fighting. Do you know that?

Could we not call one another names? Eve's hands were soft, warm and almost clammy on my own as she signed to both Mercy and me. I nodded, shooting a playful glare at Mercy. Okay, Eve started her movements slow, what exactly happened between the two of you?

Mercy is a little lying bitch, was all I found myself able to signing, although I realized I didn't really mean it. I was just...scared. In truth, I knew my actions would never be understood much less justified, but for the first time in my life, I didn't care. I didn't need to be liked, I just wanted to be liked. I mean, these were my friends after all. However, right now, I didn't dare guess what they thought of me. 

Only...there were times that I wished that someone might understand me, and it seemed like Jaxon was the only one who even took the time to listen to me, and tried to understand my side of the story. The other kids at my school had just spun what they heard into lies and rumors, that only held a fragmented part of the truth, that was so dressed up in drama and lies that couldn't even be recognized any longer.

Okay... Eve started slowly, and I could almost hear her voice, warm and soft being whispered into my ear by the wind. And Mercy, did you lie?

Mercy was silent for a long while. Or well, she didn't give a response for a long while. Finally, I hear her sigh and then she signed, yes. She then shifted around uncomfortably in her plastic chair. But, Ash, I think you were just a bit overdramatic, right?

Overdramatic? Me? I signed, smiling, and perhaps for just a moment the thick clouds covering the sun drifted away and a smile flickered onto Mercy's face as well, before being buried once more, and it was my turn to sigh, Yes, I am an overdramatic bitch, okay? I snapped, a small blush painting across my cheeks, before I cleared my throat, even though I wasn't going to be speaking. Alright, but I'm going to give you this one chance to tell me anything you've bothered to leave out over the past few weeks.

Well... Mercy started, trailing off, and I could tell she was avoiding my burning gaze. Well, first of all, I got a one at my dance competition, she signed.

That's amazing! I think...

Mercy laughed. A real laugh and it was the best thing I swear I'd heard all day. It is good. Real good, she signed. And... she trailed off once more. 


And I met this really hot guy at the dance competition and he asked me out on a date to his concert this Friday! Mercy signed in her regular rapid fire way, and it took me a moment to process what she had said to me. But once I did, I let out a squeal and ended up hugging her, begging her for details. Eve joined in in the begging for details, and in our hug.

After being bombarded with our hugs and questions, Mercy finally decided to start giving us the answers we so desperately needed. start, his name is Rhys, she said.

Reese? I immediately signed in response. Like in Reese's Pieces? 

Mercy laughed once more, and I gave an apologetic smile. Sure, Ash, she told me.

I opened my mouth to snap something back in response but then closed it and just let myself smile instead. Mercy really was the greatest friend in existence, since she could forgive me for being a bitch. So instead, I listened to Mercy tell Eve and me about this Reese's Pieces character, a grin still on my lips, until Mr. Meyers called our attention to the front of the classroom, yet even then, Mercy kept slipping me details from under the table and I relayed them to Eve. I was certain Mr. Meyers knew what we were doing, but just let us be.

Yet for that entire class, I kept smiling, and I don't think anyone could have made me stop even if I wanted to. My heart pounded in my chest, spreading warmth through my body. And it was at that moment, when the final bell rang, that I realized just how happy I was.

I suppose, not every war had to end in bloodshed.


Reese's Pieces!

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