Chapter 11

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Friday ran around quicker than you can say Snap! I wasn't sure if I was looking forward to my date, or not. The last time I went on a date it was with Chris. Sure this was no where near my first date, and sure I'd wasted my first kiss on some jerk, but at least I can say I'm a virgin. Well, thanks to Zack's parents coming home early at his party. After that little event, I promised to keep my virginity until I was married.

Oh, where was I? Oh yes, it was Friday night and Jaxon pulled up to my house in a car he called a quote unquote, 'antique'. I called it garbage, but it was perfect garbage, I'll give it that much. I guessed it must have been a convertible because after we started driving my hair went wild. As for my clothing choices I had no idea what my mom laid out for me, only that it went with capris.

After about twenty minutes of driving, and me asking stupid questions like 'Where are we going.' and Jaxon giving stupid answers like, 'It's a surprise,' and my personal favorite, 'Crazy!' So I must say the car ride wasn't the most eventful thing I've ever done.

When we finally stopped, I inhaled deeply but all I got was car fumes. Wonderful. Jaxon took my hand and my immediate reaction was to yank it out of his. I hate to say this but, I hate being touched. I pretty much flinched and yelled at any guy who'd ever done what Jaxon just dared to do. I mean, I was like this ever since I could remember. A girl with too much pent up energy and the hatred for being touched. Although for some reason, I didn't pull away.

I let Jaxon guide me up a set of stairs, and into the place. Once inside I smelt... waffle cones? Where were we? I looked to where I hoped Jaxon was, and shot him a confused glance. He nudged me playfully then led me to where I presume the counter was.

"We'll take two Cho-co waffle bowls with a double scoop." He ordered, like he'd ordered it a thousand times.

"Are we at a ice cream place?" I asked him.

"No, no, no! We are at the ice cream place. The Marble Creamery!" he said, in mock outrage.

"What if I told you I was lactose intolerant?" I teased. In truth, that sounds like the worse disease anyone could have. No milk, no cheese, no yogurt. And worst of all, no ice cream!

"Then I'll have to eat yours." He said simply.

"No way. That's my ice cream and you're going to pay for it." I declared, which earned me a laugh. The waiter came back and Jaxon took me outside again. The warm September wind hit me and I sighed. We sat down outside and I began to eat my ice cream, which was in fact, chocolate. My favorite.

After a few moments of intense silence, I finally broke the silence, "Hey Jaxon, can I ask you something?" I asked quietly, half hoping he wouldn't hear me. He did though.

"What is it?" He asked, sensing the seriousness in my voice.

"Why do like me so much? When we first met, I kept telling you to go away, and being a jerk. Now that I have decided your worth my time, you ask me out. I'm sure there is at least one girl out there that's more... I dunno... perfect for you. One who's not blind and useless." I said, voicing my inner most thoughts.

"Well Raindrop, I think I fell in love with you when we first met that rainy day. I liked the way you pushed me back, it's a rare trait, nowadays. I like people who judge me for me, not what I look like, and well you seemed the only one up for the job." He joked, I laughed and I took another bite of my ice cream.

"This is really good, you know?" I told him.

"I've been coming here since I was seven. Of course I know it's good Raindrop!" He exclaimed, with mock outrage again. I rolled my eyes at his joking tone. "Hey Raindrop, pick up your waffle bowl." He said, and I picked the waffle bowl thing out of the paper one. "It's perfect right?" He asked.

"Yes?" I said, starting to feel nervous.

"Take a bite." He commanded. I took a bite of the cone then...

It shattered.

"You see, Raindrop. Perfection is an illusion. That's why nobody is more perfect for me, than you."   



Hey my little Raindrops how are you doing? I know this chapter might seem short but it's 800 words I swears it. Also umm funny note, this is based on a true story. Not any where near as romantic, but it was with me and my mum. I finally decided to get my lazy bum off the couch and write something this weekend. BYE!!!!!!!

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