Chapter 10

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I was in language arts class. After I met Mercy and Eve, I liked the 'Meteor Zone' a lot more. So this is my new least favorite class. Mainly because I can not read. Or write that much. It's the third day of school and the teacher does not understand the meaning of 'I'm blind.' Which I told her the first day of school AND when I walked in today. Twenty minutes later, she still asked me why I was still on page 1 of my novel. Also none of my friends were in this class. Of course there was more than plenty of my ex-friends in this class.

I heard the click of the bell. I was still in class because the teacher was so stupid that she couldn't understand I got to leave early. I pressed my fingers into my ears as the bell's shrill screech rang out. I really hated that sound. I squeezed my eyes shut as the class emptied the counted to five.


Why did my mom have to get sick? Was this another punishment for being so stupid to take a drink of something I shouldn't? For being friends with some people I shouldn't have been friends with?


Why did my heart flutter that night afterwards when Jaxon came over? Why did his voice keep whispering in my ears?


Was I in love? How do I even know what love felt like? I knew I liked my ex but did I really love him? But the question remained. Was I falling in love with Jaxon?

I got out of my seat and went to the cafeteria. I was the last to arrive. My seat by Mercy remained open but she wasn't in her normal spot. I knew this mainly because once I sat down she grabbed my hand from the other side of the table. Who was in her spot?

Hey Mercy, I asked, breaking her out of her usual updates, Who is in you spot?

YOUR BOYFRIEND! She signed, and it took me a moment to figure out who she was talking about. Jaxon. Oh shit.

"Jaxon? Are you next to me or is Mercy just messing with me?" I asked to the person next to me.

"Yep it's really me. I managed to track down your table, thanks to my lovely cousin Emma." He said.

"Wait your cousin is one of the E's!" I asked.

"Yep. I bet you didn't guess because of my much better personality." He said and I heard Emma hit his arm.

"I'm way better than you!" Emma said, teasingly.

"We both are." Emilie agreed.

"So anyways. Raindrop I have something to ask you... Away from those two." He said, and I knew he meant the E's.

"Sure." I said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the noisy cafeteria. It took me a moment to realize we were going to the courtyard. I wonder, out of all the places in the school, he chose there. I loved the courtyard, actually, but few people knew about it.

When we got there we sat down on a stone bench and my stomach started tying itself in knots. What did he want to ask me? Was the question that kept replaying itself in my mind. I was about to explode from curiosity but the he started talking.

"Ash, are you doing anything this Friday?" He asked, solemnly.

"Nothing much. Just staying up to late because I drank one too many Dr Peppers." I said, and he laughed.

"Well if you want to hang out, I know a great place." He said, and I could tell he was blushing.

"Are you asking me out?" I said, slyly.

"Maybe?" He said.

"Then I would love to drink one to many Dr Peppers with you, while doing whatever mysterious stuff you have planned, but if you try anything funny I will be bringing pepper spray." I warned.

Jaxon laughed then said softly, "Never change Raindrop, never change."  



Hey guys and thanks for reading this chapter of running blind. The next few chapters will be kind of romancy, but nothing will get to bad 'cause Ash's bringing pepper spray! But there will be more running soon! Keep reading my little raindrops!

Now for some useless stuff that will want to make you rip out  your eyeballs from reading:

How my friends/bro bro would end the story! Enjoy!

So she was planning to sneak into the race cuz they said she couldn't do it cuz she's blind...but then her mom died and she was sad and she decided not to do it...and Jaxon was upset and then he saw her and she ran the race and won and the book ends with a kiss. (I'm a master writer) -crazycatladymeow's ending to the story.

'a wild johnny came and ate all the runners!!!!' - 's ending to the story    

AND THE WHOLE PLACE EXPLODED AND EVERYONE DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD - johnny_jackson's other ending to the story

Running Blind // DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now