Chapter 20

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For me, success seemed much harder to come by than for everyone else. It seemed that I had to work three times as hard, for the simple fact that I was blind. So it had become somewhat of a routine to run extra with Jaxon everyday.

So as everyone else went to the locker room to get ready for the school day, Jaxon led me around the route again. Sometimes we even ran it again in the afternoon. I never once complained about it, as I was doing what I loved and for such a long time was unable to do.

Only after receiving such a victory as being let back on the team, all I wished to do was relax and celebrate it with my friends. Of course Jaxon had other plans. We ran the route again, only this time a bit slower.

Part of me wished to go faster. It was still freezing outside and all I wanted to do was warm my frozen body up again. Only the other part of me just wanted to curl up in a ball and fall asleep right in the middle of the sidewalk. Of course neither of those things happened.

What did happened so quickly, I hardly remember it. It was just a swift skid then I felt myself falling. In the blankness that makes up my world, all I could do was extended my arms all too late as I fell to the cement of the sidewalk.

That's when the ringing started. My ears buzzed as I laid on the cold ground. I swore I heard Jaxon's voice, but I had no idea what he was saying. I felt dizzy, as I felt myself being lifted up, stumbling in Jaxon's grasp.

Like a sheep lead by her shepherd, I followed Jaxon off the normal route. I had no idea where I was going, as I barely understood what had happened just a moment before. Only that my head stung and I felt sick.

Suddenly I heard the pounding. It sounded like a fist banged upon wood, so somehow I managed to process Jaxon was knocking on a door. Almost as soon as I figured that out, I heard the squeaky door open.

"Jaxon! What are you doing back here? Oh, who's that?" A female voice asked. She sounded older, perhaps about my Mom's age.

"Hey Mom. This is Ashley. She slipped and hurt herself." Jaxon stated, and I could hear nervous shuffles coming from him. He was fidgeting.

"I'm fine Jaxon." I stated.

"You are not fine. You slipped and hit your head. You need to ice it." He stated and I rolled my sightless eyes.

"Nice diagnosis Jaxon. Now what else does she need." Jaxon's Mom asked.

"To keep warm and..." Jaxon trailed off, as if in thought. "To keep moving."

"Alright, let me go get the ice, you take Miss Ashley into the living room." Jaxon's Mom said before I heard her footsteps echo off into the house.

I heard Jaxon enter too, and I followed, and he lead me to the supposed living room. I however could barely understand the confrontation between him and his Mom.

"Care to explain what that was all about." I asked.

"My Mom's a Ophthalmologist." He said, softly and I could tell he was looking off at something else.

"A eye doctor?" I asked. Being blind, I spent my fair share of days with eye doctors and for some reason the long name just stuck with my brain.

"Yeah, she did it for me, really." He murmured. "But you don't want to hear about that Raindrop!" He added brightly, as ever. "I want to go into Sports Medicine after college. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. I never really thought about it after the Accident." I said. "When I was that age though, I wanted to be a Olympic long distance runner."

"Well I believe you still can do it." Jaxon said.

"No I'm pretty sure that it's impossible now." I sighed, sitting down on the couch.

"Raindrop, you've already smashed through what everyone else thought was impossible. What keeps holding you back?" He asked.

I didn't answer. We froze in the silence, in the blackness that made up my world. I wished for a simple answer to give him. I wished I truly knew how to answer him. Only I was so confused. So lost and confused and...afraid.

"Fear. That's what it is. I'm afraid that I will never be able to do what I love again. Never be who I love to be again." I said.

"Haven't I been telling you that since day one?" He asked.



Oh my effing cheeze itz.

It's me. I'm back with another chapter for you lovelys. Actually lovelys doesn't do you beans enough justice. How about the most wonderfully beautiful fanatical best readers in the whole darn universe?



Jk, ily guys! But guess what...

We just got 1K views so I felt the urge to update and make all you cheesecakes feel extra special with cheddar cheese on top. So I updated... a week late! Oh wells. But guess who had to inform me of this knowledge.

 But guess who had to inform me of this knowledge

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So yeah. It was Emma (AKA crazycatladymeow who is a really good friend)

So I suppose this chapter is dedicated to her! Thanks for the news!!

Well that's all for now. See you guys later.

Peace out Raindrops!!

Running Blind // DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now