Chapter 27

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Hey guys, quick Author's Note before we get started. I swear.

I just want to say Happy Valentine's Day to everyone out there and I hope you enjoy this chapter I've been plotting very specially for today.

So without further adue, I present to you, Chapter 27 of Running Blind, my Valentine's Day Special!!


I woke up Saturday morning, my body still feeling stiff and sore from the cross-country two days ago, and my eyes heavy with sleep. Even though I went to bed earlier than I did on Friday nights it still felt as if I hadn't slept a wink. Yet that didn't stop my mom from bursting into my room and telling me to get out of bed and that it was already almost ten o'clock. She was weird like that. She hated me sleeping past ten, yet there were days my little brother, Ricky, got to sleep in past noon.

By the time I had sat up in bed she had already picked out my clothes for the day for me. A small part of me guessed that she secretly liked that I was blind because it gave her an excuse to baby me. She liked that I was still her little girl and that she still picked out what I wore. I simply shook my head as I put on the clothes she picked out, their soft fabrics warming my body on this particularly frozen morning. 

I walked down the stairs to the living room, as I sat mindlessly in front of the television that was undoubtedly on but simply muted. My mom didn't like the commercials so she often times muted them then forgot the television was on until after lunch. I didn't care what she did with the television, but some days, much like today, I liked to sit in front of the television screen pretending to read the words that flashed across the screen, but in all reality letting my mind drift to a place that was anywhere but here.

That was when a knock came on the door, and I simply ignored it, letting my mom get it as she always liked to. She never liked me to get the door for the simply fact that I wouldn't be able to tell if it was the postman or a serial killer. I guess I understood, but I still loathed being treated as if I was a child. I was almost sixteen after all, not six. I simply shook my head as my mom pulled open the door, to see who it was who had knocked.

"Oh, hello. Are you Rai-Ashley's Mom?" A familiar voice asked, and I quickly jumped to my feet, a spike of energy pulsing through my veins. What the hell was Jaxon doing here? He has never really used the front door before, and it was almost shocking that he was starting now. There was also the part where my Mom ha never met Jaxon, or even really seen him. I didn't really talk about people from my school, at all, anymore.

"Yes?" My mom answered, her tone curious. "Are you one of Ashley's friends?" She asked, as I ran to her side, a forced smile on my lips. 

"Mom, this is Jaxon," I introduced, quickly. "Jaxon this is my mom," I continued, and I could practically feel my mom's curious gaze burning through my skull.

"Nice to meet you Mrs Hilton," Jaxon said as brightly as ever, and I could practically hear his smile. "I had a quick question for Ashley, so may I come in?" He asked.

"Sure," My mom said, her voice soft. I gave my mom a slightly forced smile as I grabbed Jaxon by his shirt sleeve and pulled him through the house and up the stairs to my room, well aware that my mom's gaze was on us the entire time. I also knew she was worried about me, just as my friends were when I met Jaxon. I had been so broken when Chris broke up with me, I didn't think I was ever going to be able to repair myself.

Running Blind // DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now