We stitch these wounds

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The rest of the walk back to the field behind the buses were quiet.

When we got there bands were scattered everywhere.

"Amber! Its so nice to meet you face to face" Juliet yelled while pulling me in for a hug

"nice to meet you in person too juliet,"

"Im glad you could come and hang out with us. You want a drink?" She questioned while grabbing a couple beers out of the cooler and handing me one.

"Hey Dragonfly and amber" Andy stated wobbling up to us. You could tell he was already feeling pretty well.

"Hey andy, thanks for inviting us to party with you and for the tickets to concert. Defiantly making our visit in cali worth it." I stated while taking a sip of my beer.

Candy was slowly sipping on her beer when i noticed her staring at craig and I decided that I was going to make her dreams come true.

"Hey craig, Great concert tonight"

"Thanks, you a fan?" he questioned taking a chug of his beer.

"Kind of. I mean it took me a little to get over the hole you and ronnie thing, but i did. You see that girl right there?" I said pointing to candy who was now poking the fire with a stick.

"Yeah i do, She's cute"

"Well she may have a crush on you, and it may make her night if you go talk to her" I stated again with a smirk.

Candy was going to love me so much.

"I may just take you up on that offer because she is freaking sexy" craig chuckled before walking over to candy.

She was about to have the best night of her life, as me I was just watching everyone have fun.

Andy and Juliet took off to go do something or other.

"Hey want another beer?" Ashley questioned while coming up to me.

"Sure. Thanks" I whispered.

I can't believe that i was actually talking to ashley.

He was actually really sweet and so much more sexy off stage.

"You seem really shy"

"I guess i kinda am"

"Oh well what did you think of the concert?"

"It was cool"

"I heard some things"

"Oh really what kind of things?"

"That you couldnt keep your eyes off me and that you have a crush on me" Ashley questioned.

When he said that I knew candy or andy must have gotten to him because they were the only ones that knew.

Andy only knew because of candy.

"Uhm.." I stated while bringing my beer up to my mouth to take another sip.

"So is there any truth to that?" Ashley questioned looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes.

I swear i could get lost in them things.

"Maybe, Maybe not. " I teased while biting my lip.

"Well i guess we will have to wait and see what the night brings then i guess" Ashley stated while taking another sip of his beer with a devilish grin playing on his face.

After 3 hours everyone started to slowly leave the venue by taxi's of course.

Candy went with craig back to his house because they wanted to "talk" more.

I bet candy was in heaven right at this moment.

I was walking back to the front of the venue when i remembered that candy had both the hotel room keys.

Great looks like i will be sleeping on a park bench.

I was almost to a park near the venue when i heard the sound of a motorcycle.

I loved the sound of bikes. They just are so amazing. 

The bike slowed while passing me which made me a little nervous.

See I was rapped when i was little so since then i have always been nervous to be anywhere by myself.

As soon as the bike passed me it speed up once more.

I made it to the park and decided i would swing for a little.

I pulled my phone out for the first time since being back at the hotel and just like i thought i had no new texts or calls.

You would never guess that i was married because we only really talked when we had to.

I pulled out my headphones from my purse and decided to listen to some music before my phone died, Noticing that it was at 4%.

Well at least it will let me listen to one song.

I was listening to rebel yell by black veil brides when someones hands went over my eyes.

I went to speak and it was like i couldnt break or get words out.

To say i was scared is just putting it nicely.

The hands pulled me back and then put around my chest.

When i opened my eyes i couldnt believe who i was seeing.

"Do You always chill in parks at night?" Ashley asked with a smirk playing on his face.

"Ashley you scared the fucking shit out of me!" I yelled as i felt my self sliding off of the swing.

"Im sorry. I didnt mean to scare you"

"Its okay. Why are you here and not home?"

"Well i was on my way home and i seen you walking.

I thought maybe you would want some company"

"Oh. Candy went to hang out with craig and she kind of took the hotel room keys with her"

"So your waiting for her?"

"I was actually going to sleep here" I whispered kind of embarrassed to admit it.

"Well if you want a place to stay, you can stay at my house for the night" Ashley stated while pulling some whiskey out of his back pocket.

"Is it really smart to drink and drive that bike?"

"Its not smart to drink and drive anything, thats why i walked here" Ashley teased.

I just bit my lip. Ashley probably thinks I'm an idiot now.

"Want some?" Ashley asked holding the whiskey out to me.

Should I be doing this? ah what the hell. I grabbed the pint and downed some of it.

Ashley stared at me in amazement.

"We should probably go back to my house before we get in trouble for drinking in public" Ashley stated while helping me up.

The walk back to ashley's house was quiet besides the sound of the whiskey being passed between me and him.

When we stopped we were out side of one of the most amazing house i have ever seen in my life.

"You coming?" Ashley questioned smirking at me.

A Rebel Love Story (Ashley Purdy FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now